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1'04N 104'43E
Hotels and Travels » Travel Destinations, Hotels

Nikoi is a private 15 hectare island off the east coast of Bintan in Indonesia and just two and a half hours traveling time from Tanah Merah ferry terminal in Singapore.

Long regarded as the most pristine islands along this unspoilt coast, Nikoi is ringed in white sandy beaches and coral reefs of spectacular colour and diversity.

Six beach houses have been built from driftwood and alang alang grass with glorious sea views this is a place to seriously unwind. A unique destination.

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    » 1 Review for “Nikoi Island ” - Hotels &Travels

  1. expat traveller
     26 Feb 2008 at 8:55 am

    We recently went to Nikoi and had a great time. Very relaxed. Simple yet delicious food and delightful staff. Highly recommended who entertained our children with treasure hunts and craft activities. There is no a/c in the rooms but we found the fans which are cleverly installed inside mosquito nets were effective enough that you didnt need it. We were just a small group but would be a fantastic place to take the whole island with a group of friends.

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    Rating given:5 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. claud
      claud said:
      Cool! Didn't know there's such an island. Looks beautiful!
      26 Feb 2008 at 9:23 am
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