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100 Beach Road
#02-36 Shaw Towers
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6293-3105
Shopping » Opticians

100 Beach Road #02-36 Shaw Towers S189702 Tel: 62933105 Mobile: 62933105 62970783

Optical & Optometrists Opening Hours (Closed on Sundays), Mon-Sat: 12noon-8pm

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “People’s Optical ” - Shopping

  1. porushh
     07 Apr 2012 at 1:03 pm

    Great personalized service by Optician Alex who has a lot of experience and knowledge. Very Impressed. Clearly the best optician help I have ever received. Beautiful small shop in Shaw Towers, perfect eye testing, and full explanations were given by Alex. I am amazed as to how my previous opticians were not so good compared to Alex. Recommended to all!! Please visit with your family. Alex has been in the business for decades and we want him to be in the business for another 20 years. This is the kind of personal service that our older generation enjoyed, and which is lost today with all the supermarket type of opticians.

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