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6 Reviews
501 Orchard Road Wheelock Place
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6220-6948
Beauty and Wellness » Hair Salons

Operating Hours Mondays to Fridays : 11:00am - 08:30pm Saturdays & Sundays : 10:30am - 07:00pm Public Holidays : 10:30am - 06:30pm

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    » 6 Reviews for “Phyto Hair Spa (Wheelock Place) ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. labib
     14 Dec 2013 at 4:10 pm

    Hair spa singapore has an interesting hair spa service, where they will advise you based on your hair condition. Maybe you should check them out.Hair spa singapore has an interesting hair spa service, where they will advise you based on your hair condition. Maybe you should check them out.Hair spa singapore has an interesting hair spa service, where they will advise you based on your hair condition. They have a customized package according to your hair requirements.

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    1. Distressed patron
       09 Dec 2012 at 3:34 pm

      I called to check if the promotional price for hair perm of $198 includes GST, they told me that it is all included. I only needed to pay $198 nett.

      When I went in, Kitty took a look at my hair and advised me to cut off 3 inches of my previous perm and I agreed. After the perm, they advised me to do a 3 steps ends treatment which cost additional $118, saying that it would replenish moisture back to the hair cuticle, I agreed to the treatment. The whole process took 6 1/2 hours. After they were done with my hair, I was shocked to see the condition of my hair. I had a terrible perm by Kitty.

      My hair was severely damaged , looked burnt ,dry and frizzy. I paid additional $118 for the 3 steps ends treatment but it did not help to repair the hair damage. She did another cut to trim off the dried and frizzy ends but it still did not help. She applied layers of protein treatment cream on my hair to tame the frizziness.

      After the service they charged me GST. They kept persuading me to sign up for their value card which I obviously rejected.

      Highly Not recommended.

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      1. blutiara
         27 Jul 2010 at 5:48 pm

        Just to add (due to space limitatn), i went to e wheelock branch, haven't been to e taka one, mlkc which branch did u go? and do u know e name of the therapist? good to share with us here! ;)

        the time i went, there were others ard as well but it wasn't noisy, both the spa and salon was rather peaceful. i had my earpiece on and was able to focus on my movie - thankfully didn't fall aslp from e massage!

        i like e massage e most, was really relaxing, and they also serve us drinks. overall, had a good experience at e wheelock branch.

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