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9 Bishan Place #01-32 Junction 8 Shopping Centre
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6250-0466
Restaurants » Thai

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Thai Express (Junction 8 Shopping Centre) ” - Restaurants

  1. Massie
     20 Aug 2008 at 3:10 pm

    THey just revamped their menu and now carrying with more variety.

    But I still like their old specialties.

    a) Tom yam seafood with glass noodles. -Looks clear but they are really spicy to my liking. Remeber to quickly savour it cos once it turns cold, its not that nice.

    b) Basil beef

    c) Coconut ice-cream with fried banana fritter

    d) Thai pineapple rice

    e) Thai Fried squid

    f) Thai stuffed chicken wings

    g) Black pepper cray fish glass noodles.

    SErvice is good and we never fail to patronise the place at least once every month.

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    Rating given:4 stars
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