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3 Punggol Point Road
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6702-7072
Restaurants » Asian
Photos of Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - RestaurantsPhotos of Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - RestaurantsPhotos of Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - RestaurantsPhotos of Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - RestaurantsPhotos of Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - Restaurants

Opening hours:
Weekdays (5:30pm to 10pm)
Weekends (11:30am to 2:30pm, 5:30pm to 11pm)
Closed on Mondays

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) ” - Restaurants

  1. Rina Loveslife
     23 Feb 2015 at 10:00 am
       Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - Restaurants   Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - Restaurants   Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - Restaurants   Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - Restaurants   Trunk At Bay (The Punggol Settlement) - Restaurants

    14 Oct (Tues) Evening time, i was at Trunk At Bay and witnessed the sun set.

    Mr Francis, one of the owners of Trunk At Bay, invited me for dinner. I invited three of my friends along. We ate a lot and some of the photos i did not include as the dark lighting affected the photos. (But the food was good!)

    We had both the Green and Red Curry! Choice of pork, chicken, beef or seafood.

    Homemade at Trunk: Thai Fish Cake and Thai Prawn Cake

    Tom Yam Clear Spicy Soup #BEST

    Do not miss the Mango Sticky Rice and Red Ruby!!

    I asked Mr Francis on what is his inspiration to open a F&B business here? He replied: “Thailand is one of my favourite place that I often travel to and my eldest daughter’s god-father is a Thai, we enjoy authentic Thai food and would like to provide the same traditional Thai taste palette in Punggol Settlement with a waterfront view like no other.”

    More pictures at

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