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68 Orchard Road
Telephone: (65) 6884-8698
Food and Beverages » Coffee & Tea
Restaurants » Fusion, Chinese

Hong Kong Style cafe offering a variety of Hong KOng local delights plus local Singapore Food and wider range of desserts and drinks to suit your taste buds

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “Xing Wang Hong Kong Cafe (Plaza Singapura) ” - Food & Beverages

  1. piggygal84
     26 Aug 2009 at 12:39 pm

    First time, i found Xing Wang is at Cinelsure. It's always open till very late. After our movie, we all will gather at there to chit chat and had supper.

    The foods at Xing Wang, we already try finish soon. Including the drinks and desserts. All the foods consider nice :) As for myself i love to eat the papaya soup because its not too oily and too fat for a ladies to eat too much during supper time.The drink i like to have is Mike tea especially hot want.

    The enviorment is nice and goods for a group of people to gather at there for eat and chit chat.

    Next time, I will recommand my friends and family to try out the foods at Xing Wang and envoirment too.

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    1. Nemesis
       08 Dec 2008 at 12:37 am

      Was at this outlet of the Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe at Plaza Singapura a couple of weeks ago. Ordered the prok floss fried rice, beef horfun as well as the deep fried spring rolls. Inaddition , ordered two drinks, namely the Honey Green Tea and Iced Lime Tea. For the drinks, felt that they were a bit tad too sweet. So had to ask the waiteress to add more ice to the drinks to dilute them to make them more drinkable.

      As for the food, the pork floss rice was quite average, with the amount of pork floss deemed to be quite measly. As for the beef horfun, it was ok but the taste was not really superb. At best, it was comparable to those you eat at hawker centers. The only good thing was perhaps the spring rolls, which were considered the best amongst the three dishes.

      To conculde, the food there is only average and does not justify the slightly high price. Unlikely to go back there again in the near future

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      Rating given:2 stars
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