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This blogshop selling our best wardrobe collections, most are brand new unless otherwise stated. We sell our collections at low margin to get fund for our new travel plan. Every piece of our stuff is meticulously checked for defect. Thank you for your supports and wish you have a pleasant shopping experience with us. Place your order now before you missed the best bargain in town!!

    Overall Rating:
    » 3 Reviews for “YOURWARDROBE ” - Shopping

  1. pohzleng
     11 Aug 2008 at 1:18 pm

    I bought a 2nd hand top from yourwardrobe, the blogshop owner is very honest and friendly. I was impressed that the top is well maintained as brand new, and it's so cheap!!!!! I'll definitely support yourwardrobe again!!

    Tags: 3  add tags
    Rating given:5 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. pohzleng
      pohzleng said:
      Hi, yourwardrobe. I've received my new purchase ystd. This bag is really worth buy, JIA YOU and bring in more nice stuff soon ya.
      08 Sep 2008 at 11:08 am
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  2. plys
     04 Aug 2008 at 9:28 am

    Fast response and honest seller. It was my first time to purchase online, I got my stuffs within few days after payment made. Even those 2nd hand items are worth to buy as the price are very cheap and quality are good as brand new. Super buy and strongly recommended.

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    Comments on this review:
    1. yourwardrobe
      yourwardrobe said:
      Thank you for your compliments!
      11 Aug 2008 at 9:26 am
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  3. yourwardrobe
     31 Jul 2008 at 9:00 am
       YOURWARDROBE - Shopping

    It's time to replenish your current wardrobe. Our blogshop is selling the best collections that we brought back from overseas at the most competitive price, just for YOU!! Every piece of our stuff is meticulously checked for defect. We wish you have a pleasant shopping experience with us. So, don't wait, place your order now before you missed the best bargain in town!! Our Christmas Sale is NOW ON !!

    Tags: 3  add tags
    Rating given:5 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. yourwardrobe
      yourwardrobe said:
      We're having SALE now, do visit our blogshop for more details. Tks!
      21 Nov 2008 at 12:42 pm
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