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linbaocai's Latest Review
 12 Nov 2008 at 12:31 am
   Cold Dish   Enterance   pb090024.JPG

Event: Birthday dinner.
Price: Food pricing is quite high. (For a place located in the heartland area)

Service was very good when the crowd is lesser, you will get 2 waiters serving your table.
Air con is good. (Nowadays, places are getting warmer to be eco friendly)

Caution: Remember if you going there, no slippers, no shorts.
It is a club.

Visited on 08/11/08.
Discount for Safra club members and more.
Credit card holders, no offer.

They help store birthday cake free, help take photo, and help cut cake.
When they serve the cake, they will broadcast birthday song.

Very friendly and attentive staff.
They are ISO9001 certified I am not wrong.

End of the meal, they will give a feedback card and pencil.
PS: Quite hard to draw on the card with old fashion pencil.

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Imperial Courts Shark’s Fin RestaurantAsia Grand Restaurant
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My Comments
On the review for Imperial Courts Shark’s Fin Restaurant
  1. linbaocai
    linbaocai said:
    Sorry,it is for Imperial Courts Shark's Fin Restaurant
    12 Nov 2008 at 12:38 am
  2. linbaocai
    linbaocai said:
    Reload the pictures xiong...PS: The Peking duck at $788 deal did not give u the duck meal...not I pay but we still ponder abt it.
    12 Nov 2008 at 10:48 pm
On the review for Asia Grand Restaurant
  1. linbaocai
    linbaocai said:
    $30...okay la...without sauce, we will not be able to FEEL it. agree? lol
    12 Nov 2008 at 10:47 pm
On the review for Asia Grand Restaurant
  1. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    long review! i wanted to try them for their famous duck, but didn't went
    12 Nov 2008 at 10:47 am
  2. feizhu
    feizhu said:
    Their duck isnt famous. Its just cheap.
    12 Nov 2008 at 4:14 pm
  3. claud
    claud said:
    Does it equate to: cheap and good = famous?
    12 Nov 2008 at 5:01 pm
On the review for Imperial Courts Shark’s Fin Restaurant
  1. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    u can remove your review, den re post it at imperical court
    12 Nov 2008 at 10:46 am
  2. claud
    claud said:
    hihi. ur review has been moved to the correct biz. :) And welcome to Yebber!
    12 Nov 2008 at 1:53 pm

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