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sleepeat's Latest Review
 19 Jan 2009 at 4:06 pm


Very different this time, not hot at all. Due to the cold wave hits northern Thai, the weather was so cool that i have to wear the jacket almost every hour. Night time was even cooler, just like you are in HK or Taiwan during year end.

Platinum Centre - Big Shopping Mall with cheap stuffs – make it the 1st place to shop.
Suan Lum Night Market – Selling local designer stuffs – must bargain. Can chill out at those nearby pubs after one whole day shopping.
Silom Night Market – This one can skip. Just like KL Chinatown – nothing much.
Chatuchak Weedend Market – Selling things that you can get it at Suan Lum & Platinum – crowded & hot.
Siam Paragon – Big Shopping Mall with Expensive Branded Goods.

GV Cinema – Siam Paragon
1st class – 600 baht (S$26.00) for 2 persons – big but don’t look comfortable to me.
2nd class – 160 baht (S$7.00) for one – not bad, more comfortable than the se...   

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My Comments
On the review for Bangkok
  1. sleepeat
    sleepeat said:
    Yup, especially at Suan Lum, the weather was so cool then i tot i was in Taiwan. Lol....
    20 Jan 2009 at 3:58 pm
On the review for Prive
  1. sleepeat
    sleepeat said:
    Shd try their Carrot Cake & their breakfast which they serve till 5pm!! Don order their fruit punch, sucks!
    05 Jan 2009 at 5:38 pm
On the review for Bangkok
  1. sleepeat
    sleepeat said:
    hi whiteblanko
    29 Dec 2008 at 6:19 pm
  2. sleepeat
    sleepeat said:
    my friends and i going BKK mid Jan 09, situation there OK?
    29 Dec 2008 at 6:21 pm
On the review for Bangkok
  1. Haney D'Lailaz
    Haney D'Lailaz said:
    wait, there's Golden Village Cinemas there??
    24 Aug 2009 at 8:56 pm
On the review for Bangkok
  1. whiteblanko
    whiteblanko said:
    glad ur back safely!! platinum and suan lum rock (: (:
    19 Jan 2009 at 7:33 pm

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