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BLK 511 Bedok North Street 3
Market And Food Centre
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Eating Places » Hawker Centres

    Overall Rating:
    » 4 Reviews for “Bedok Bak Cho Mee ” - Eating Places

  1. gisen
     29 Dec 2008 at 11:52 pm

    One of the nicest Bak Chor Mee that you can find in singapore. Only served with soup base. I personally feel that the soup is th e one that make it taste so nice and tasty, i think if they are going to serve in "dry", i think he will starts to lose customers. Also notice that the standard did drop by a bit recently, the noodles seems to be overcooked. Well, maybe of the long queue, but that does not give the reason of not maintaining the standard.

    Please take note, there are 2 of them side by side, i usually eat the one at the left. Tried both, concluded that the one at the right is not as nice as the left.

    Should try if you love Bak Chor Mee, as it is not the best, but definitely one of the best.

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    1. mizhuzhu
       25 Apr 2008 at 2:01 am

      I live near the hawker center and so we frequently have our dinner there. But after I tried the the Bak Cho Mee (I forgot which stall I went to) I didn't eat Bak Cho Mee there. Didn't notice that they serve only with soup so I ordered. But I don't quite like the taste of mee kia/pok in soup (in general) but the soup definitely tastes good, even without chilli! If only they sell only the soup.

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      1. superchewy
         16 Oct 2007 at 11:35 am

        I'm a big fan of Bak Cho Mee.Especially the one at bedok.If u've been there before you would have notice that there's actually two stores side by side.I've tried both and they are actually the same.Just that one store serves with a bigger bowl and the other a smaller one.But they taste the same.I usually eat the Bak Cho Mee with chicken wings and sugar cane.It sure is yummy and fattening.

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