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1 Park Road
#02-K87/88 People's Park Complex
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6538-8533
Hotels and Travels » Travel Agents

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “CTC Holidays (People’s Park Complex) ” - Hotels &Travels

  1. $money$
     14 Jul 2008 at 12:48 am

    I went for CTC Jiangnan packaged tours and find it good and cheap. Although the low price was partly because of the airline (one of the China airline) choosen. But the hotel standard was generally good, not just any cheapo 3 star hotel. (But must mention that if you try for a F&E airline hotel package from them for Shanghai, it is better off going for the Jiangnan packaged tour.)

    I went to their mosque street branch before and I could hear a lot of their staff was China national. Probably the agency had good connections with the China agencies and thus could give us a good yet cheap package for China.

    Their service wasn't too much of excellent as we are supposed to go down for a briefing from the tour leader, who ended up just calling us over the phone, still considered good service.

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