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Beauty and Wellness » Fitness, Hospitals
Photos of Formor Asia Pacific - Beauty and WellnessPhotos of Formor Asia Pacific - Beauty and Wellness

Specialists in Nutritional Supplements. We provide Products based on Nobel Prize Award Research to help people reverse Cardio Vascular Diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes, Erectile Dysfunction.

Our full range of supplements include special formulas for Joints, bones, prostate, brains, pain management, digestion, and much more.

We validate the efficacy of our supplements with the aid of a DPA tester used by the USA military with FDA certifications.

We save lives!

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Formor Asia Pacific ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. prettygems
     08 Aug 2008 at 10:36 am
       Formor Asia Pacific - Beauty and Wellness   Formor Asia Pacific - Beauty and Wellness

    This product Cardio Cocktail really works! My mother has hypertension and after 1 week, I stopped her doctor prescribed hypertension pills and she reported an increased in strength. My aunt has a pressure of 198 and that as under medication. 4 minutes after drinking cardio cocktail, her pressure dropped to 182, and after 1 week, it dropped further to 170! Most importantly, both old ladies have more strength to walk! My friend's type 2 diabetes was controlled after 1 month of drinking Argenix, from sugar level of 10 to 6, without medication. Most funny of all, my friend's 18 year old dog, which developed stroke, recovered after drinking Cardio Cocktail and it is barking louder! I surfed the web for more stories and discovered lots of success stories, well, this worked for me and family and I highly recommend. Best of all, you can do a test to check your health.

    Tags: 3  add tags
    Rating given:5 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. smudger
      smudger said:
      i don't undstd why such review appear. should have been removed. lol..
      08 Aug 2008 at 12:43 pm
    2. Radon_chia
      Radon_chia said:
      Why remove?
      03 Dec 2008 at 12:54 pm
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