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smudger's Latest Review
 21 Jul 2009 at 12:14 am

This american restaurant draws its attention with the colourful facade and decor of its interior, which can be seen afar.

As it was a weekend, the place is abuzz being full house. But I did not find the food and service justify such hype.

I ordered a chilli bacon hotdog. Initial bites were tempting but soonafter a few mouthful, it became apparent to me its was getting too glutten.

Service is alright, I just wasn't pleased that they only make the effort to refill my glass of water after I am done with my food. And upon payment and we haven't even left our seats, the staff blatantly took one of our table away and offered it to other customers. I ended up standing but I just find it appalling for them to do so before customers leave their tables.

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"living the way life is, luvin' it"
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My Comments
On the review for McDonald’s (Bukit Batok)
  1. smudger
    smudger said:
    This is really idiot proof... why not doing the same for every Mc store? Nice try there...
    22 Apr 2009 at 12:51 am
On the review for Uniqlo (Tampines)
  1. smudger
    smudger said:
    i can't wait to visit uniqlo, haven had the chance to pass by uniqlo outlet in hk or tw. finally opened in sg. yeah!
    18 Apr 2009 at 5:17 pm
On the review for Formor Asia Pacific
  1. smudger
    smudger said:
    i don't undstd why such review appear. should have been removed. lol..
    08 Aug 2008 at 12:43 pm
On the review for Ya Kun Kaya Toast (Far East Square)
  1. krisandro
    krisandro said:
    Interesting to know that this particular outlet is so special. Makes me wanna visit it now!
    15 Apr 2009 at 10:12 am
On the review for Threadless Tees
  1. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    oh yes! I've been to this site before... I like them what's the quality like?
    21 Mar 2008 at 7:54 am
  2. Kilkenny
    Kilkenny said:
    I love threadless too! Great for lazy shoppers like me.
    31 Mar 2008 at 10:32 am
  3. hjon81
    hjon81 said:
    same here! totally love their designs & quality! But muz wait till SALES otherwise kinda exp...
    30 Sep 2008 at 7:26 pm
On the review for Golden Village (VivoCity)
  1. gisele
    gisele said:
    I agree! Cathay rocks!
    02 Sep 2008 at 10:10 pm

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