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6 Reviews
55 Market Street
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Telephone: (65) 6557-0098
Restaurants » Fusion
Services » IT & Computers

    Overall Rating:
    » 6 Reviews for “Geek Terminal ” - Restaurants

  1. Makanist
     29 Jan 2010 at 9:34 am

    Geek Terminal to be the first business review here in yebber cos I am very impressed by the place! I get wireless connection and power source and still allows me place to relax and chill out at The place is very welcoming and comfortable. I can stay there whole day with my labtop and surf the net for free at Geek Terminal! Forget about wireless@SG, Geek Terminal wifi is free and even faster!

    I love the coffee! Give me their set meals anytime and I'm happy.

    Yeah, I went there to surf the net. The sits are comfortable and the environment is good. Do try it out.

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    1. Tan Hai Tat
       31 Oct 2008 at 8:26 pm

      The last time I went Greek Terminal was very impressed with them that you can easily request for a power plug to connect into the cables they had on the floor to get power for your laptop. Certainly something that not easy to find in Singapore.

      It's very suitable for people that need a venue for small networking or product launch, especially for IT related stuff!

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      Rating given:3 stars
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      1. Ezprezzo
         24 May 2008 at 3:28 pm

        Hi all,

        Its been one year since Geek Terminal opened last May 2007. How quickly time has flown by. Like to take this opportunity to thank those who came and supported the activities and business at Geek Terminal.

        Just want to take this opportunity to inform that Geek Terminal is going a re-branding exercise and will be conducting renovation works on weekends until Mid Jun. Get ready to see a new Geek Terminal soon! We will also be prepping for a party to celebrate the new face and new services and new food menu.

        So keep a lookout for press releases in the coming months.

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        Rating given:4 stars
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        Comments on this review:
        1. watto
          watto said:
          I just got to know about this place and was thinking of dropping by. Looks like I will be visiting the new place soon.
          24 May 2008 at 7:31 pm
        2. Ezprezzo
          Ezprezzo said:
          hi watto, sure thing. See you soon!
          24 May 2008 at 8:44 pm
        3. claud
          claud said:
          Wow! Thanks for the piece of update. Looking forward to the brand new GT!
          24 May 2008 at 9:46 pm
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