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13 Reviews
200 Victoria Street
#02-51 Bugis Junction
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6338-4819
Restaurants » Japanese, French
Photos of Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - RestaurantsPhotos of Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - RestaurantsPhotos of Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - RestaurantsPhotos of Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - RestaurantsPhotos of Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants

Operating Hours: Mon-Fri: 11.30am-3pm, 6pm-9.30pm Sat-Sun: 11.30am-9.30pm

    Overall Rating:
    » 13 Reviews for “Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) ” - Restaurants

  1. Jeslyn Tee
     14 Aug 2008 at 2:29 pm
       Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants

    Read some good reviews and had some good recommendation from friend. We were warned that the place will be damn full and sure enough even when we wanted to make reservations, the reservation was full.

    We were greeted by the friendly and sunshine waitress and their very polite manager. We did not had a long wait... at most 15 mins and we were led to our seats.

    Ordered steak lunch set, curry udon (with rice), seafood platter and spaghetti bolognaise (don't know how to spell)

    After many good reviews and the full reservations, the full house, I was quite disappointed with the place.

    Steak: Although they mentioned their sauce is very special etc etc... the portion I ate wasn't that very special. Very salty and tasted like soy sauce to me. The saltiness of the sauce also covered the taste of the beef However the tenderness of the steak is just right and the set is quite valued.

    Curry Udon : Came with rice too. This seems to be the best among all the dishes. A tad too sweet for me though most Jap curry are like that.

    Seafood Platter: Rice wasn't that great... taste doesn't seem to be there. I feel like I'm just biting something. The person who ordered this mentioned that the combination of the taste of oyster, prawns and the rice is strange.

    Not much comments about the spaghetti just that its oily and nothing special.

    Atmosphere was rather good and service staffs there friendly, fast and commendable.

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    1. His Food Blog
       18 Feb 2008 at 11:49 pm
         Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants

      Ma Maison, which means “My Home” in French serves Japanese-style Western food, is done up to look like an English cottage – the quaint ambience is coupled with weathered wooden beams and panels, with racks of plates and crockery.

      The windows are curtained with floral curtains giving it a charming vintage look. On a personal note, I love the look and feel of the menu - which what feels like leather.

      We specifically came for its famed Hamburger Steak, which sits on a sauce that is simmered for 28 days – fully flavoured and very enriching. Topped with a Fried Egg and Moreish Potato, the beef patty is grounded nicely and finely grilled.

      Sink your teeth into a thick cut and you will marvel how tender the meat is. The Potatoes also came with a bite – a nice contrast to the soft beef. The other celebrated dish is the Cuttlefish Ink Pasta, a dish that is shunned by many girls as the squid ink stained lips, teeth and tongue.

      The pasta was done al dente, but I find the Cuttlefish pronounced flavour a tad too “fishy” for me. I also find the ink roughly coated – a touch of butter might enhance the dish better – and the serving of thinly sliced Cuttlefish and Mushrooms were pretty pathetic in my opinion.

      When it was time to ask for the bill, you get a heavy brass key and key ring – a fitting end to make you feel at home.

      You can view the photos and other reviews @ His Food Blog.

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      1. Lucardia
         19 Nov 2007 at 12:59 pm
           Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants   Ma Maison (Bugis Junction) - Restaurants

        Sunday afternoons are known for being wonderful lazy times where i can just sit back, relax and forget having ever been in the Singapore workforce. So it is with this mindset that i met up 2 of my friends for lunch on this simple Sunday afternoon. After a little persuasion, i was brought to this obscure and small corner in Bugis for our little get together.

        Getting past the rather obscure and weird location of being in a rather secluded corner of Bugis Junction, the restaurant held a certain laid-back and relaxed charm thats difficult to describe. With the noon sun shining in, the quiet and dimly lit surroundings still had soft lighting on, floral tablecloths adorned the simple wooden tables and antique items peppered the walls. All this creates a relaxed atmosphere which allows patrons like myself to take my own sweet time making orders and idle chit chat with my lunch partners for the day.

        Cream Of Mushroom Soup With Salad (Set Lunch $23.50) - A simple rendition of the notorious mushroom soup that almost every restaurant seems to serve. This version had a strong mushroom taste and was lightly salted giving it an even finish when you taste it. My gf seemed to like it quite a bit but there were no mushrooms bits to be found and honestly, after a few more spoonfuls, it resembles campbell's but with more salt.

        Hamburger Steak, Egg Wrapped Tomato Rice and Spaghetti Vongole - Presentation-wise, this was an easy winner. 200gm beef patty served with sunny side up, Japanese tomato rice wrapped in scrambled eggs and vongole. 3 radically different items from different origins on the same plate, creative! First up, i liked the tomato rice, possibly because i've never outgrown my love for ketchup and because the rice was Japanese rice, meaning it just tastes better. Not too sticky but full in texture and taste. Scrambled eggs with tomato ketchup and rice could have been a meal on its own for me. The hamburger steak was a new item or rather a new name for an old item in this case. It looked small when it came but start eating it and you'll find that it seems to grow with every bite. The beef was well marinated but salty, as was the accompanying sauce, add the 2 together and it becomes too salty for my liking. Could do well without the sauce. The vongole i had last, so its actually cold when i had it. Still, i liked it because its not oily but otherwise, its very normal. To summarize, this dish as a whole was nice but take any individual on its own and you may be disappointed.

        Tonkatsu Set ($19.50) - My gf seems to be attracted to katsu for some reason as this is the second time she's ordered it in a Japanese restaurant. For me though, this is the first time i've ever seen so many ingredients in a miso soup. I was literally shocked when i saw the hidden vegetables in the thick broth. Also the first time i've seen miso with tofu or seaweed for that matter. I had a taste and it was very thick, full bodied and again, salty. Good nonetheless. The katsu was tasty, lightly breaded, has minimal oil residue and firm, juicy meat greets your taste buds. It also helps that the serving was pretty generous. The sauces you see are all for the katsu but i found it better off without the overly salty sauce provided.

        Sirloin Steak ($19.50) - My friend ordered this for her lunch and i have to say the serving was small. The steak was served well done and had charred edges which wasn't really my idea of steak. The doneness also means the meat is tough and hard. Surprisingly, it still tastes reasonably decent this way so i'm wondering how it would be like given a medium rare doneness instead of being well done. Still, the portion size is a big no no for big eaters like myself.

        The unique key used during payment which has to be brought to the cashier. Interesting concept. If only we could take the keys as souvenirs. =P

        Complimentary Ice Cream - My gf had the black sesame ice cream which had a unique taste to it but not something i'd like to have on my own. And our lunch set came with a vanilla ice cream with smatterings of chocolate fudge which really isn't very special.

        A very filling lunch for 4 people came up to $101.22 .

        Nice place, decent but salty food and affordable price. I may be back because my sister's friend works there and can get us a decent discount the next time we visit. *winks* But otherwise, i would love to tell them to hold the salt instead of filling their items with it.

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