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7 Reviews
6 Eu Tong Sen Street #02-79/90
The Central
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6534-7903
Restaurants » Seafood
Photos of Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - RestaurantsPhotos of Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - RestaurantsPhotos of Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - RestaurantsPhotos of Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - RestaurantsPhotos of Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 7 Reviews for “Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) ” - Restaurants

  1. Azure1984
     17 Dec 2008 at 7:16 pm
       Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants

    After working so hard for the last semester, I thought it was time to give myself a little treat, at least eat something that is decent. From its menu, it was described that the fish is in high demand due to its "texture and taste". Sounds nice, at least they phrased it so. When my order arrived, I was initially quite shock at the generous serving of fish they give (the fish really really really looks gigantic). Initial contact with the fish was not bad: crispy hard exterior with a really soft and juicy interior, living up to the menu description. Thumbs up for it! Price wise was quite acceptable at only $11.90. The garlic rice that comes with it was not bad (you can ordered chips if you don't want to eat rice): soft and full of garlic favour. The only complaint that I can think of is that they are lacking in the department of smell. The whole meal was quite tasty, but they do not smell nice enough to get my appetite going and wanting for more.

    For the setup of the shop, I find that it was just a little too squeezy. I had to literally lift up my bag to my shoulder height to squeeze in and out of the place. I understand that they are trying to pack as many patron into the shop as possible, but I would appreciate it if more space is given to the customer to walk around.

    Rate: 7/10

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    1. spindoctor
      spindoctor said:
      yap...the setup is be careful when you talk...if you wonder why the couple in the next table is so quiet, it could be because they are listening in on your conversation. lol
      18 Dec 2008 at 11:22 am
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  2. Lucardia
     12 Mar 2008 at 5:54 pm
       Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants   Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants   Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants   Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants   Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants

    I believe the place needs no introduction. Its already the third time i've visited this place so basically its just a different location with a different crew. Does it uphold the tradition though?

    Well, what can i say? The balcony seats overlook the river with all its hustle and bustles going on below it. Low buildings and little tourist boats cramp the location, giving it an otherworldly feeling that is very relaxing. Service wise, i did get the impression that the people there didn't really want to be there however.

    Burning Action - Some people call it showy, others say unnecessary, but i still find the whole process very interesting however. And most importantly, it gives the rice and prawn a wonderfully fragrant and interesting taste.

    Soup of the day ($3.90) - Since its already the third time i'm having everything (fourth actually), i'll leave you to check out the older posts for comments on the soup. Nothing much has changed on that front.

    Garlic Lemon Mussel ($8.90) - The bread and mussels are supposed to go well with each other and to the better of the experience, they do. The white sauce that the mussels were swimming in is the same as the sauce that comes with the mushrooms below and the oysters after. According to my dear friend, Andrew, the sauce is the best thing about the restaurant. I'm inclined to agree on that since it does add to the taste quite a bit. However, i must say the mussels are not one of the better items here and i would advice against having it.

    Fried Country Mushrooms ($9.90) - I've had these mushrooms as many times as i've come to this restaurant. It is definitely one of the better things to have and still one i can heartily recommend.

    Deep Fried Oysters ($11.90) - Essentially, this is the same cooking method as the mushrooms above. And sad to say, it tastes the same as well. The oysters themselves were reasonably fresh and sweet but i prefer the mushrooms as they are healthier.

    Fisherman's Platter ($36.90) - We asked to switch one of the side items for the flaming prawns so the final deal we had consists of calamari, chips, mushrooms, prawns and fish. The best thing about this? It fed 4 people to the brim. The downside, health issues abound if you take this for protracted periods of time. The rice when added with sauce is still the best thing for me, personally of course. Everything else is as it should be, meaning its good but not necessarily impression making since i've had it this many times. Overall, this platter is good for big eaters and up to 3 people.

    Tiramisu ($5) - The waiter heartily told us that we qualified for a $5 dessert special which we took without much thought. Tiramisu is a dessert that has been done to death and their rendition is interesting. Cocoa powder adorns the top while a small layer of cake fills the bottom. Cream and rum filled the rest. Its overwhelming actually and somehow, i didn't like it too much in the end. Not recommended.

    The bill turned out to be $98 for 4 people. Lots of food and a full tummy later, reflection on the process doesn't bring much to mind since i paid for it in full. My treat to my friends and i'm happy for giving.

    They say "too much of a good thing makes it bad". Well, in this case, its starting to sound pretty true. I've heard much about the branch in Central and somehow, there are parts that are true and some parts which are not. I found the normal service staff helpful and generally good but the supervisor level however, disappointed me when i asked what the sauce was. Maybe its a trade secret but repeating the same rubbish when i asked twice isn't my idea of good service. Food is simple and non elegant but gets the job done. All said, the mushrooms are still something i would pine for. If you have not had it before, it warrants a try at the least.

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    1. Great Sage
       03 Nov 2007 at 7:11 pm
         Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants   Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants   Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants   Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants   Manhattan Fish Market (The Central) - Restaurants

      This restaurant claims that it serves the number one fish and chips. Oh well, i seem to have heard lots of people calling themselves the number one fish and chips maker nowadays. Nevertheless, with not too bad reviews above, i decided to give this ' fish market ' a try.

      This resturant does not look bit like a 'fish market' at all. Thats because it do not have a hint of fishy smell there. Well, i guess the fish market name probably means that it has a large variety of fishes sold there.

      The specialtly of this restuarant is, beside the usual sofa seats, this restuarant also have an outdoor dining area. Though its not a very big area, they managed to spread each table quite spaciously. They even lit up small candles to create a cosy atmosphere during dusk. I think that its a rather thoughful move to serve its customers.

      Then come the food, my first impression of the fish and chips is that it is real big. Well, perhaps the fish and chips that i have eaten before always disappoint me with thin dry fish fillet. But this is totally different. It has two very distinct tastes. The outside of the fillet tastes real crispy. Well, this may be the effect of their special batter. The inside gives a super soft taste and it could almost melt in my mouth.

      When combined the fillet with the specially made mayo, the fillet tasted even more delicious. The mayo taste rather special to me as it has a very smooth and light texture and will not make me feel tired of it after taking too much. So, basically i dipped everything with the mayo. hee.

      As for the chips, it has the similar appearance as the fillet -- big and chunky. Not only that, it also achieved the outside crispy and inside soft kind of texture. Sprinkle them with some salt and the fries will taste much much better.

      Now, i finally realise why they dare to say that they make the number one fish and chips. This, i totally agree with them.

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