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1 Jalan Anak Bukit
Bukit Timah Plaza, #B1-07
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Restaurants » Korean
Photos of Ming Jia Korean Food - RestaurantsPhotos of Ming Jia Korean Food - RestaurantsPhotos of Ming Jia Korean Food - RestaurantsPhotos of Ming Jia Korean Food - RestaurantsPhotos of Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 4 Reviews for “Ming Jia Korean Food ” - Restaurants

     16 Nov 2009 at 5:43 pm
       Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants   Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants   Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants   Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants   Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants

    This restaurant was highly recommended by Straits Times as one of the best places to try Korean food. We ordered the Bibimbap which is a mix of various vegetables with the sweet sauce - it tastes really good. At $5.50, it is quite pricey considering that there is no meat in it.

    The other dish we ordered - Ramyon tasted like Maggi Mee cooked in some special spicy sauce. I believe you will also be able to prepare something similar with one of those Korean instant noodles - very pricey at $4.50. It comes with a small side dish of Kimchi.

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    1. whiteblanko
       13 Nov 2009 at 1:13 pm

      when i first stepped into ming jia korean food, i got a small shock because it seemed so..unkorean. more like economic rice stall.

      but the food proved me wrong (:

      i had the bibimbap ($5.50) which had lots of lovely lettuce, seaweed, carrot and beansprouts inside. what i was rather unhappy about, though, was the fact that there was NO MEAT inside. a bit..cheat my money.

      the set meal($5) is quite good though. get to pick two veg and one meat with rice and soup (my dad said it was hot water with seaweed).

      the kimchi soup set was interesting. strangely, the kimchi was more salty than spicy-sour. we felt like we were eating spicy kiam chye more than anything else. but this didnt make it any less shiok (: again, no meat in this dish.

      overall, quite an authentic korean meal.

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      1. ladyironchef
         03 Sep 2009 at 9:44 pm
           Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants   Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants   Ming Jia Korean Food - Restaurants

        I love watching dramas, because they got fairy-tale endings; there are moments where you smile like a fool, or weep together with the scenes, but at the end it will be a happy ending – I like happily-ever-after outcomes.

        And there are always food in the show, the characters are only human, they need to eat too! So when I watch dramas, I will always get hungry. This bring us to Korean food, it’s a shame that we can’t put our hands inside the screen and grab that very delicious-looking food. So, we hunt, for Korean food.

        We wanted the spicy looking Korean noodles but it was sold out; so we took the next-spicy-looking, kimchi soup set ($5.50) instead. It came with a appetiser with choices of tofu or anchovy, kimchi soup and rice. The kimchi soup was fabulous; spicy yet not to the extent of fiery, with a subtle hint of sweetness – I love it!

        Bibimbap ($5) will always my choice when I have Korean food, not that I’ve eaten much, but I like the mixture of everything in one bowl. And I also like it to be in a hot stone bowl so that the rice will be piping hot! The one at Ming Jia was pretty decent, just that it wasn’t hot enough! Still, it was great to mix everything with the spicy-and-slight-sweet chilli!

        (1) Ming Jia is very near my place.

        (2) Ming Jia is very affordable.

        (3) Ming Jia is unpretentious and homely.

        (4) Ming jis is helmed by a Korean lady, and Koreans go there too.

        (5) Ming Jia will be the place to go when I’m craving for Korean food.

        You are always welcome to visit ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written herein are my genuine feelings expressed in words. Food, my dear, is what they call an adventure!

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