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5 Reviews
Blk C, The Cannery
#01-05, River Valley Road
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6305-6728
Food and Beverages » Coffee & Tea, Bakeries , Candy & Chocolate , Ice Cream
Nightlife » Bars & Pubs
Photos of Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages

A place to make girls happy!

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    » 5 Reviews for “Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) ” - Food & Beverages

  1. sanketa_cool
     23 Mar 2009 at 10:01 am

    Whenever i visit clarkQuay, i never forget to visit this place. Exotic sandwiches, delicious ice creams and outstanding location are the main factors for its success. I have enjoyed being there with my wife, each and every moment we have spent there is remarkable. My wife loves the ice cream and sandwiches there. The courtsey and generosity shown by the service man is also good.Good in overall all aspects. Everyone should visit this place once while moving to clark quay. The location is perfect. You can just sit there and enjoy the time. I promise no one will ever forget the liesure and ambience and the quality time spent there.

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    1. ladyironchef
       17 Dec 2008 at 1:28 pm
         Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages   Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages   Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages   Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages   Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages

      It wasn’t merely a coincidence when the seven of us stepped into Nectarie Patisserie, fate has brought us together. The group of us; all dessert enthusiast, were looking for more after our previous encounter. Our eyes literally light up at the mention of desserts, our saliva flows at the thought of desserts, and our imagination run wild at the sight of desserts.

      Just like the number 7, while some sees it as their lucky charm, others dismissed it as pure speculation. Things could gone either way, and our adventure was just the same. Some people could have feel that the place was great with its nice ambience and pretty cakes, while others might have given their verdict that it was **** and terribly expensive for the petite slice of cake. But for us, the company’s was all that matter, even though the cake didn’t exactly deliver, to our lofty expectations.

      We were supposed to be in Seventh Heaven, but that failed to materialise, & we found ourselves in Nectarie instead. While the core of us were the original members behind this, we found new friends who shared our common interest.

      Choices. Often people had to make their decision in an instant flash. Inside and outside. We were torn between both sides, until reality stuck. The sun had decided for us.

      The inside was a long narrow streak, quite unlike what you’ll normally see. The use of mirror and glass to elongate the place, plus the tall table and chairs were clever, and necessary.

      We started with the Pistachio white chocolate ($7.50) eagerly, egged on by one of us who was a fan of pistachio. For the pistachio purist, this was unacceptable. The taste of the nut wasn’t strong enough, and the whole cake was sweet. However for the neutralist, the cake was not bad. The green layer did taste more like kaya than pistachio, but the cake was very smooth, i like the thin layer of raspberry jam which contributed to the sweetness of the cake. Althought some might have felt the cake was too sweet, but personally i like the overall subtle taste.

      We favoured the Parfait of dark & white chocolate ($7) over its chocolate cousin, the double chocolate mudcake. There was dark chocolate, white chocolate, and the rather chewy layer. Everything seemed perfect, chocolate with chocolate is after all a fail-proof option. But somehow, the whole dessert couldn’t click, something was amiss.

      Whether the Granny smith apple crumble ($6) was created by the granny or not, we do not know. But what we know was the crumble skin was crispy and flaky. Served warm, this dish wouldn’t disappoint you. The only gripe, the apple fillings were too little compared to the thick crumble skin.

      I have been told that the Caramelized bananas with chocolate ($7.50) here is good. In fact, it ranked among the top 50 cakes by Sunday Times. Undoubtedly the best cake Nectarie has to offer, the banana and white chocolate mousse was velvety and rich. But that wasn’t the best part, eaten together with the crunchy base, the taste was divine. And all of us unanimously agreed it was the star.

      If the caramelized banana with chocolate was the best, then the Dark chocolate Opera ($6) would definitely be on the other end of the score sheet, the worst. Even before we got started on this, our dessert enthusiasts already noticed the cake was too dry. Indeed, the texture and taste was almost dehydrated. Disappointing.

      We can’t possibly neglect the unique combination of chocolate and coconut in the form of the Chocolate terrine with coconut mousse ($6). I’ve no idea what’s a terrine, my best bet would be chocolate layers. The whole cake was on the sweet side, just like how desserts are supposed to be. The chocolate actually covered the taste of the coconut, so the others were actually eating them layer by layer to discover the coconut mousse.

      I have a love-hate relationship with the Tiramisu ($7). I adored them, and they are definitely listed as one of my favourite desserts. Thus I’m always easily satisfied by the simplest and often i ain’t a good judge between an excellent tiramisu and the normal one.

      Nectarie’s rendition was unusual for the fact they didn’t have the the typical layers found in others. The sugar & coffee icing were very beautiful indeed. The finger biscuits soaked in kahlua and espresso were right in the middle of the mascarpone cheese. I thought they were too soggy, a fairly average one, just as we suspected.

      Total bill was $73 for 7 people, 7 slices of cakes, & 7 beverages. The promotion of 50% off per slice of cake with each drink meant that we need to get 7 beverages to enjoy the discount for our 7 cakes. This is only applicable during weekdays 1-3pm. With most the drinks fairly expensive, it made it seems like we were still paying for the cake, only that it came with a “free” drink.

      I’ve noticed one thing, most of the cakes are decorated with raspberry dips on the white plate which made the whole dessert looked pretty. But while it’s nice as a decoration, to have it on every plate of dessert is a tad too much. Simple is beautiful. Yes?

      Nectarie Patisserie actually wasn’t that bad, their desserts were generally okay, but for the prices you are just expecting something more, and they failed to come up with that x factor. The ambience is nice. Check. The cakes are pretty. Check. But somehow the taste failed to surprise us. I ain’t sure whether i’ll go back again, but for you people who hasn’t been there, this might just be one cool place to check it out, once.

      You are always welcome to visit ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written herein are my genuine feelings expressed in words. Food, my dear, is what they call an adventure!

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      1. bossacafez
         08 Dec 2008 at 1:45 am
           Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages   Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages   Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages   Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages   Nectarie (The Cannery, Clarke Quay) - Food & Beverages

        7 of us stepped into this patisserie on a scorching tues afternoon. i was actually more attracted towards the ambience after seeing the pics on my friend's blog coz the place looks really nice. and the good thing about going in a relatively large group is the ability to get to try different types of desserts at a go. we had :

        parfait of dark & white choc, $7 - dark and white chocolate mousse covered with ganache. once again i thought it was badly done and it reeks strongly of whipping cream. reminds me of the emilie i had at twelve one.

        caramelized bananas & white choc, $7. this is actually quite good, with visible specks of vanilla bean in the mousse, caramelized bananas with crunchy feuillitine-like base.

        pistachio white choc which is pistachio creme brulee between vanilla sponge and raspberry jam, $7.50. this was a disappointment tho'. the pistachio tasted nothing like it but the texture is more of a pandan-kaya texture not unlike the pandan cake from bengawan solo. makes me miss the nikita from obolo and mistral from twelve one more.

        tiramisu, $7. tasted ordinary, but once again, there was no liqueur taste inside! alot of places don't do tiramisu well and i can safely say i can do a better job (and i did).

        dark choc opera, $7 - dark chocolate layered with coffee cream, espresso and almond sponge. definitely the worst of the lot, tho' it doesn't look like. it was dry, and the coffee buttercream tasted weird. one of my friend even commented that it tasted like kikkoman soy sauce LOL!

        granny smith apple crumble, $6. taste was ok but the texture was pretty dry. would be better if there's a scoop of ice-cream to go along with.

        chocolate terrine with coconut mousse, $6 - light coconut mousse infused between dark chocolate and rolled into chocolate sponge. taste was ok but definitely wasn't memorable. probably becoz i only had a tiny bit, i didn't think it resembles coconut or anything.

        overall, i think i'll just give about 4.5/10 for the desserts. some of them were dry and really reminds me of my 2nd trip to twelve one on a weekday afternoon, where the cakes were probably leftover from the previous weekend. there was also a promotion - 1/2 price for sliced cakes with every drink ordered from 12-3pm on weekdays but they werent really transparent about it. had to ask (read : beg) for it.

        for a more detailed review, pls visit my blog @

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