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3 Reviews
437 Orchard Road #B1-02/12 & #B1-14/17
Orchard MRT Station
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: 68380820
Shopping » Books & Stationery

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    » 3 Reviews for “Popular Book Store ( Orchard MRT ) ” - Shopping

  1. yanling1989
     11 Jul 2008 at 10:24 pm

    The popular bookstore is very big and provides a full range of goods like stationery, hair accessories and books. As it is spacious, there is considerable space for you to do your shopping and browsing comfortably. One plus point is that it is very accessible as it is located just outside the orchard mrt control station. However, the some staffs can be quite rude and unfriendly when you approached them for help.

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    1. unravel_moi
       28 May 2008 at 10:22 pm

      If i am not wrong, this particular Branch has closed down to make way for some Orchard development. There was a closing down sale prior to that too. So there goes a all-in-one bookstore along Orchard area.

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      1. zihui
         29 May 2007 at 8:58 pm

        This popular book store is located one level above the MRT station. It's quite convenient to go to, as it is very near the MRT station. This outlet is rather big too, and they have a range of things from books to stationery, and some electronic devices and ink cartridges.

        However, I think the place is closing down as most shops on that level, including Popular, are having closing sales. There's quite a good bargain at this outlet. I'm not sure if the sale is over, but those who intend to buy a lot of things can go there. There's a whole range of books available.

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