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585 North Bridge Road
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Telephone: (65) 6311-1222
Beauty and Wellness » Hospitals

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Raffles Hospital (Raffles Healthscreeners) ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. nawhos
     03 Oct 2007 at 9:18 pm

    Recently I was at Raffles Hospital Health screening centre. My appointment was at 8.40 am. I signed up for the ladies executive package which consists of usual physical examination, medical hisotry interview and pap smear, breast examination, chest Xray, bone density test, ultra sound of the abdomen, quick ECG, tonometry to test eyeball pressure, blood test and urine test plus additional nasal scope. All the examinations or tests on the average took 10 mins or less. It took me 5 hours to complete the above examinations and I had to fast the night before. By the time I was allowed to eat it was around 12.30 after which I had 3 more tests to go. I had to miss my breakfast. By then lunch should have been provided for their inefficient time management. I dont understand why it took about 5 hours to complete. There were so many pockets of long waiting times and yet the visit is by appointment and for health screening only. The clinic should be able to know how long and how many patients to attend too. I think the hospital should seriously think about cutting down the waiting time just like the pizza order. If it is not delivered on time the service will be free. I wonder if it dares to take up this challenge....

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