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3 Reviews
#04-23/24 Compass Point
1 Sengkang Square
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6875-8885
Beauty and Wellness » Massage

    Overall Rating:
    » 3 Reviews for “Relax Room (SengKang Compass Point) ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. iYeb
     28 Sep 2007 at 5:57 pm

    Was at Compasspoint last week and I was trying to find this place. Then I realised they've changed their name and price! I remembered paying less than $30 for an hour session of full body massage, but now its $40 ! Talking about GST hike!

    Well, with the price increased, I'll rather go for a spa and massage package at some spa boutiques...

    Btw, they are known as Refresh bodyworksnow.

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    1. claud
       22 Aug 2007 at 3:49 pm

      As the name suggest, Relax Room is the place to let out all the tension from a day of hard work. Their experience masseurs are skillful and tactful. They seem to know exactly where you need more TLC and attention.

      A visit to the Relax Room is where everyone should end their day at. (at least once a week)

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      1. Pharque
         20 Aug 2007 at 11:49 pm

        First they wrap your tired feet in warm towels... 2nd they wipe your feet clean. 3rd they put their massage cream on your feet... 4th if you are lucky you meet some who can tell you your walking posture is wrong 5th if you are luckier you get someone who tells you that you have clots in which parts of your legs. 6th they lightly pound your legs 7th they always observe your facial expression for hints on strength exertion. 8th they clean your legs of the lubricant 9th they ask if you are satisfied 10th they serve you with a glass of water.

        and they're spot on. Enough said :)

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