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Telephone: (65) (65) 64003286 / 6405-7458
Shopping (Online) » Jewelry & Accessories, Fashion (For Her) , Fashion (For Him) , Flowers & Gifts

At Ritzcufflinks, you are able to find quality, stylish cufflinks at affordable price. A pleasant gift for your man who loves to wear french cuff shirt or is planning to expands his cufflink collection.

Ritzcufflinks offers many cufflinks designs ranges from novelty cufflinks, hobbies cufflinks, enamel cufflinks, crystals cufflinks and many many more for our customers' selection.

Look out for new designs that we be offering soon, or simply join us and be informed of our latest promotions !

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    » 2 Reviews for “Ritzcufflinks ” - Shopping (Online)

  1. juaypy
     03 Jul 2008 at 10:52 pm

    Am so glad that I came across this website. Ritzcufflinks has a nice collection of cufflinks, and the best thing is prices are really reasonable. It really makes shopping for cufflink easy and comfortable.

    Their service is really good, they were also prompt to respond (within 24 hours), to my enquiries and that they try their best to meet the needs of their customers.

    Thanks for expediting my order, I received my order 2 days after I placed the order online! Initially, I fear that when I receive the stock, the item may not be in good condition. But my worry was uncalled for. This item was in good condition, and nicely packed into the giftbox which I ordered together.

    I'll definitely recommend my friends to this site if they need to get cufflinks. Thumbs up for Ritzcufflinks!

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    1. ritzcufflinks
       12 Mar 2008 at 5:57 pm

      Your satisfaction is our TOP priority!!

      We will strive to do everything possible to ensure that all cufflinks orders arrive promptly. We pride ourselves on being competitive and providing a good service.

      All our cufflinks are presented in a specially designed Ritzcufflinks box that is suitable for gifts to your special one.

      - Ritzcufflinks team - Beautiful cufflinks for all

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