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1 Review
282 Bedok Road
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6445-9987
Restaurants » American, Vietnamese , Deli & Cafe , Malay & Indonesian

Serve local and non-local cuisines such as Vietnamese and American delights. This restaurant is halal certified.

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Sedap Corner ” - Restaurants

  1. Massie
     26 Aug 2008 at 10:45 pm

    Have been to this place couple of times with my family.

    Nice ambience, good service and a very friendly chef. My daughter is their favourite customer. As we are regular customers, we always get very good service from them.

    I would highly recommend their Kaya toasted set that is served with warm toasted bread. To eat, you basically dip the bread into the creamy kaya! Theynot only come in kaya flavour. They have cempedak and coffee as well. But i still love their kaya the most.

    Their vietnamese soup noodle is also great. I love the soup and the fact that the noodle is served in a tray platter.

    Their teh tarik is also nice.

    Thumbs up for Chef Bob and his team.

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    Rating given:5 stars
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