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68 Orchard Road #01-36
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Services » IT & Computers

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “Starhub Shop (Plaza Singapura) ” - Services

  1. Leenie Pigs
     13 May 2013 at 12:27 am

    The Service at this outlet is pretty good but the waiting time and area is unearthly. I was there to recontract and service is good however I think they should put up an enlarged poster of all their phone recontract prices somewhere for a better reference.

    The shop is pretty badly designed with narrow areas which made walking around a hassle and squeezy. The way the queue is designed to the registration counter is really bad as one had to snake through here and there to get into the queue. It can be quite frustrating where you have to cut into the queue to get to the back of the queue. Then while you are doing that you could see the angry faces of the uncles and aunties who must be thinking "Queue cutters ought to be slapped!"

    So after about 20 mins in the queue I got my ticket to queue for the processing counter with about 4 person before me and then nightmare begins. The waiting time cannot be gauged and the lounge have fewer then seats for 8 person. With one sole butt occupying the whole bench, we are down to 6 seats and there are like 30-50 people in that one shop. So i waited.. about more than an hour to get to my turn. The process was fast.. I think I got everything done in about 10 mins and I'm off to make payment. I don't understand why the waiting time was more than an hour when there are like 6-8 counters open... Hm..................

    It was a pleasant experience however waiting time is too long and the waiting lounge is stuffy, not enough seats and space and the design of the entire shop is ****. Could have just make more walking space and eliminate all the blockages here and there..... Bad use of space, its a pity.... though your service staffs are pretty knowledgeable, efficient and helpful.

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    1. catherinetgk
       07 Jan 2009 at 9:45 pm

      Our entire family subscribes to Starhub Mobile. So we come here once in a while to update contracts, etc.

      Even though it's packed, there's water for you to drink, the people are patient and well mannered. What more can I ask for?

      Also, Starhub is really a great errmmm... what do you call it? IDK.SOrry. It's really good if you're a student. The student plan from Starhub is pretty attractive.

      Also, If you subscribe to Starhub TV, Phone and Internet, you can be HUB club Member, which you can earn really special and exclusive priveleges like a free handset change per YEAR.

      It's really cool. I

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