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11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng
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Beauty and Wellness » Hospitals

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Tan Tock Seng Hospital ” - Beauty and Wellness

  1. vtay
     31 Dec 2008 at 2:59 pm

    If you get into an accident, i hope they don't send you there.

    I feel VERY disappointed with TTSH.

    My boyfriend got hit by a car in October at Novena, so naturally, the ambulance brought him there. I received a call and i rushed down to the hospital, but when i got there, i realized i had no idea where the A&E was since i hadn't had any chances to go there before.

    I went to the reception/information counter, but the lady was on the phone! I even waved at her frantically to get her attention to ask for directions to the A&E, but i was COMPLETELY IGNORED!! It was ridiculous. Another passing doctor told me how to get to the A&E at basement 1.

    When i got to basement 1, i couldn't immediately locate the A&E, so i asked another random hospital stuff for directions. Guess what? The guy said, "Erm.... I don't know... I don't think we have that...."

    A hospital that doesn't have an A&E. RIGHT. I was utterly furious at the hospital by then. Why are the staff so poorly educated on the hospital facilities?? I really expected that all the staff at least know where the A&E would be! The receptionist was horribly rude too! Not doing her job at all.

    We waited for about 5hours until they saw my boyfriend. The nurse who was supposed to take down the condition of my boyfriend did a very bad job too. While asking questions, she kept fiddling with the printer and trying to change the paper, therefore wasn't listening to anything we said. She ended up asking questions more than once, and i got very impatient and told her off. She even DARED to glare at me! Obviously i glared back because SHE WAS IN THE WRONG.

    My boyfriend was warded from 11.30pm to 12noon the next day, and rightfully, he should be able to claim the hospital stay from Medisave, but TTSH sent him the bill and stated that he was admitted at 10am and discharged at 12noon, therefore not qualifying for Medisave coverage as it was under 8hours, and they didn't hesitate to charge him for breakfast and lunch too. That was SO DESPICABLE of TTSH! I can't believe they would go to this extent to earn that little bit of money!!

    I am THOROUGHLY UNIMPRESSED at TTSH and i suggest you all transfer your check ups or follow ups to another hospital.

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