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500, Clemenceau Avenue North,
Stall 57, Newton Food Centre,
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Restaurants » Chinese
Photos of The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - RestaurantsPhotos of The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - Restaurants

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) ” - Restaurants

  1. His Food Blog
     15 Jul 2008 at 1:28 pm
       The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - Restaurants   The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - Restaurants   The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - Restaurants   The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - Restaurants   The Chicken Rice Company (Newton Food Centre) - Restaurants

    With a special breeding technique using advanced Japanese farming methods – the chickens are reared in climate-controlled environments and totally free of antibiotics, growth promoter and chemicals. Hence a menu that offers diners a healthy rendition of the local favourite with no compromise on the flavour and enjoyment factors is born. The Chicken Rice Company is the only chicken rice operator in Singapore to use Sakura Chicken in all their dishes.

    Opened in end-May and presently located at Newton Food Centre and Lau Pa Sat, HFB is honoured to be invited by them for a food tasting. The Chicken Platter for Two ($9 for ¼ chicken) when served has noticeably less fat underneath its skin – similar to what you get from Kampong Chicken at Five Star Hainanese Chicken Rice.

    No doubt one won't be getting that succulent gelatin, or jelly-like texture when biting the skin, the flesh is remarkably tender, succulent and surprisingly sweet-tasting.

    Carefully concocted and subjected to stringent recipe tests, The Chicken Rice Company has also put together their special brand of Chilli Sauce that consist of quality Vietnamese Chilli Padis, and hint of Calamansi Juice. In addition, they also came out with a separate Spring Onion-ginger Sauce that is an invigorating mix of spring onion, ginger, garlic and shallots. Therefore one can either dipped their chicken in both sauces separately, or a mixture of both for a combination of spices.

    The rice ($0.60) is pretty fragrant and although one does not really taste the oily residue when consuming the rice, I do find the rice slightly mushy – I prefer it to be more al dente – firm and grainy.

    For more healthy options, one can also order their Green Vegetables ($3.00). Garnished with fried shallots, I find the vegetables really fresh and crunchy. Although I reckon some would probably find the vegetables too “green”, I personally love vegetables that are not too over-cooked.

    Overall, I believe the arrival of Sakura Chicken would be a delight to the health conscious that has been shunning Chicken Rice for ‘oily’ reasons. With a slight twitching to their rice, I surmise The Chicken Rice Company will be a force to reckon with in the industry in time to come.

    You can view the all photos and other reviews @ His Food Blog.

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    Rating given:4 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. $money$
      $money$ said:
      I have eaten at Lau Pa Sat. But me and my 2 other friends all felt that the chicken have no taste at all.
      15 Jul 2008 at 5:39 pm
    2. His Food Blog
      His Food Blog said:
      Honestly, I think the problem lies in the lack of fats. But if you do try again - have it without the sesame dressing - you will understand what I mean by the chicken taste sweet!
      15 Jul 2008 at 5:50 pm
    3. Bobo
      Bobo said:
      mm looks nice ba
      15 Jul 2008 at 9:32 pm
    4. 2 more comments »
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