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Services » Training & Education
Photos of The Digital Movement (singapore) - Services

What is The Digital Movement about?

We are a young organization seeking to build up a global community of young leaders in web 2.0 and social media.

Since 2006, we have been carrying out a series of activities that has been focused on bonding the web 2.0 and social community locally while connecting to overseas experts around the world.

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    » 1 Review for “The Digital Movement (singapore) ” - Services

  1. aplink
     24 May 2008 at 3:15 pm
       The Digital Movement (singapore) - Services

    Last nite The Digital Movement (TDM) organised successfully the.. Meet ONE of the Fathers of the Internet! (Google Chief Internet Evangelist) Vinton Cerf…

    Event at Suntec sponsored by IDA Singapore and Google… WOW.. is all I can say to have the opportunity to meet and hear such a legend. His accolades as read out by James Seng as (moderator) are extensive, his stage presence even more compelling in his 3 piece suit and bearded face… This man, Vinton Cerf is remarkable in that his ability to articulate technology, present analogies, connect with his audience and inspire us with personal stories of victory such as for his wife who at the age of 3 lost full hearing, only 50 years later to regain her hearing through technology - MASSIVE is the only word that comes to my mind as I reveled in the concept of being able to hear for the first time in 50 years and as Vint said, greeting telemarketers with a keen desire to HEAR what they had to say (where in the world would u hear that a telemarketer call is welcome) Vint sliced humor throughout his presentation to the obvious delight of his audience.

    The Topic for last night was The Internet in 2035 ! Why 2035 I do not know BUT Vint’s predictions are not sci - fi in reality - No Beam Me Up Scotty - from Star Trek - only Holograms managed to surface in the possible scenarios which strangely I wrote about in a post recently - Imagine

    For myself, I have seen the Internet grow from dial up frustration to broadband lightning speed frustration in Virtual Worlds.

    The opportunities for the developed world to harness the internet’s power for business, social and compassionate needs is unlimited. We must now address how this power can help the undeveloped world to enhance the lifestyle of those less fortunate than ourselves - how this will evolve I do not know - but by evidence of last nights event - The Internet has a LONG Future ahead of it and maybe somewhere along the way, its power will destroy poverty, hunger and disease. - itsReal

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    Comments on this review:
    1. watto
      watto said:
      Indeed, The INternet has changed our lives and will continue to change. Power if used in the right ways will help people, I'm sure you the other possible outcome too. Haiz.
      25 May 2008 at 8:12 am
    2. aplink
      aplink said:
      To donate to to the China EarthQuake Fund please visit: National Volunteer & Philanthorpy Centre Singapore
      25 May 2008 at 8:21 am
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