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claud's Reviews

       21 Feb 2008 at 12:44 am
    Went back to Astons Express recently to try their steak. The first time I was there, I didn't know they were supposed to be very good at the steak. So I had chicken chop then.

    Now that I'm a Yebber, I get to learn so much more about food and what not, I'm a better educated eater now. Haha!

    I tried their ehh... I can't remember the name! It's a $11.90 sirloin steak with mushroom sauce. I had fries and coslaw for my sides.

    The steak was cooked just right with slightly charred exterior. First few bites were great, but I think the fries filled me up faster than I expected. I loveeee the fries. Its crunchy and the chili powder they sprinkle on it makes it ultra sexy. (haha! yap! sexy! I loveee eating it. Makes me high! haha!) Coslaw was good too.

    My bf had grilled fish which was very nice too. Slightly crispy exterior and soft in the inside. The pasta salad that came with it was tasteful too.

    Will sure go back whenever I can. Lovee the fries!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      hahaha. food is quite good, mayb not excellent, but for the price i think its worth it
      21 Feb 2008 at 1:06 am
    2. feizhu
      feizhu said:
      The sprinkling contains alot of MSG
      21 Feb 2008 at 11:06 am
    3. claud
      claud said:
      I like. Its ok! haha! Not as if I eat everyday loh.
      21 Feb 2008 at 11:13 am
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    62. Jin Wei Seafood   
       19 Feb 2008 at 1:38 am
       hgseafood1.jpg   hgseafood2.jpg   hgseafood4.jpg   hgseafood3.jpg
    This is THE zhi char stall that my family love going. We've been there many many times. So often that my father will just help himself to the chili (lots and lots of this! cos its sooo devine!), rice and whatever that's available at the counter. The workers also don't know what to say to him lah. Haha!

    When asked to find a place for dinner, my parents of cos recommended Jin Wei. So the entire family gathered there for our reunion dinner.

    Some of the must try dishes...
    The Thai-style aka Assam Fish Head
    Cereal Prawn
    and a special Tofu MUST TRY!! (can't remember the name, but this dish will not be served on special nights like CNY. Cos its hard to produce and everyone will sure want to order this dish. )

    The Thai-style aka Assam Fish Head
    The assam curry is cooked to the right sour-ness and spiciness. My family can just drink this on its on! The fish is fresh and meat is soft and tender. Don't mixed this up with the claypot curry fish head. Be sure to order the Assam fish head that's served on a flat plate on heat.

    Cereal Prawn
    Fresh prawns fried and blended with finely chopped cereals. Crispy and fragrance. The prawns are sweet and juicy even thou its fried. Love love love this dish!

    Fried Tofu aka Golden Tofu or something like that.
    As mentioned, this is the DIE DIE MUST TRY dish. It's one of their specialties and HOT favorite. Whenever I go, I insist on ordering this tofu. It's crispy, soft, fragrance, yummy, delicious and simply great lah! Just go and try if you have the chance to lah!
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. Bobo
      Bobo said:
      Wa! 5-star rating leh! I love cereal prawns...
      19 Feb 2008 at 6:04 am
    2. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      hahaha. 5 star zi char? really ar? lol. too far for me
      19 Feb 2008 at 8:23 am
    3. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      Fried Tofu looks good!
      19 Feb 2008 at 8:31 am
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       19 Feb 2008 at 1:05 am
       decodercafe1.jpg   decodercafe2.jpg   decodercafe3.jpg
    Went to decoder cafe over the weekend for Pingsters gathering. Initially I was reluctant to go on my own as I have no idea where Balmoral Plaza was. There wasn't any direct way of getting there from my house. But still, not wanting to miss the fun with fellow bloggers, I spent 30mins searching online on ways to getting there. Finally found the fastest way... Take bus to Sengkang station... take NEL to Little India.. take 170, 48, or 960 from bus stop at Exit B (or was it A?)... alight at the 5th stop infront of Balmoral Plaza. It's not that difficult to get there after all!

    I was greeted by the hugeee collection of games at the entrance of the cafe. Behind it were two computers set up for customers to use for free. (Can do live blogging from there! hee...) The place is small and cosy. There's 3 sets of bigger tables and chairs and 2/3 tables for groups of 2-4. Tables and chairs were of nice height and comfortable enough for long hours of play.

    The menu was thematically designed to fit into the gaming environment. They cleverly made it in a way that they can expand or change the menu whenever they have to. And in my opinion, they probably have to soon...

    Feeling famished, I ordered my favorite mushroom and cream pasta, and topped it up with $3.50 for the soup and a drink. When the soup was served, I knew what I was going to expect for my pasta. The soup was a tad too diluted. When I saw my pasta, the cream that came with it was diluted too. Too plain for me. The only thing I enjoyed was the canned green tea from Heaven and Earth.

    However, food aside, I still love this place! For its friendly, attentive and helpful staff. They are very patient when teaching you the games and demonstrating how its played.

    The next time I go, I'll probably stick to their finger food and cakes. Wedges and chicken bites look good. (More stars next time if they improve on their menu.)
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. Bobo
      Bobo said:
      haha since the focus was the games and such then finger food will suffice ba... Yebber gathering? :P
      19 Feb 2008 at 6:04 am
    2. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      yea, its more on the games than the food? a lot of such concept cafe have spring up. yebber gathering!!
      19 Feb 2008 at 8:20 am
    3. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      I agree. All games cafe more or less the same one. Hee....
      19 Feb 2008 at 8:41 am
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       19 Feb 2008 at 1:04 am
    Category: French, Japanese
    This was where I spent my Valentine's day this year. Met up with my girlfriend for dinner as my bf had class that night. We arranged to meet at Marina Square and only decided where to eat when she reached the place. She went to couple others but were rejected as they were fully booked for the night.

    As we've both never been to Pasta de Waraku, and I wanted to try it long ago ever since I saw their display outside, we decided to try it, since it wasn't fully booked and my friend managed to get a table immediately.

    The lady serving us was very friendly and nice. As it was our first time, we had many questions, and she patiently explained to us and answered our questions... with a smile. :)

    Finally we settled on our choice and were ready to order. My friend had a Chicken & Mushroom with Japanese style curry @ $16.80 and I ordered the Octopus and Squid pasta with their special, supposed to be healthy, Wafu sauce @ $14.80 (minus the mayo).

    After tasting both pasta, I concluded that the Chicken & Mushroom (No. 38 on the menu) is better. I like the curry taste (non-spicy). And its a unique way of eating pasta. My order was disappointing. I had to add tons of chili flakes and cheese to flavor it. Perhaps I shouldn't have selected the healthier choice.

    Might think twice the next time I'm around one. Sketches serves better pasta.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      another bad review on pasta waraku. makes me wonder shld i go and try. hahaha
      19 Feb 2008 at 8:17 am
    2. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      When is healthy food tasty before? Wahahaha
      19 Feb 2008 at 8:46 am
    3. Bobo
      Bobo said:
      I don't think it was very healthy also.... Pls don't waste money. Don't want money, can always give me.
      19 Feb 2008 at 8:52 am
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       14 Feb 2008 at 3:39 pm
    Category: Thai
    Was there over the weekend and was excited to see them selling mini steamboat! And only at $13.80 each! So we went in to try. When we set down, we somehow concluded that the steamboat idea might have came to mind when they saw they neighbor selling hotpots. (But this is just our presumption lah)

    The mini steamboat comes with Tom Yam Soup and a plate of fresh ingredients such as prawns, slice fish, sotong (squid), mushrooms, and tang hoon.

    The tom yam soup is spicy and sour. Taste was not bad. Drinking tom yam while its boiling hot is super shiok! This mini steamboat is good for 2 to share. As we were not hungry, and just needed something to fill out tummy, this pot of tom yam was good enough.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      I was about to write a review on the mini steamboat as well. U beat me to it! The steamboat is good!
      14 Feb 2008 at 11:27 pm
    2. hirodaze
      hirodaze said:
      hmm, i saw it that day.. shall try the next time i go to marina square
      15 Feb 2008 at 9:16 am
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