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221 Boon Lay Place
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6268-2715
Restaurants » Chinese

    Overall Rating:
    » 1 Review for “Boon Lay Raja (Boon Lay Shopping Centre) ” - Restaurants

  1. Great Sage
     20 Jan 2008 at 12:55 pm

    My friend has highly recommended this restuarant as one with good quality food and with a reasonable price. Guess, these two factors is what urged me to try them out soon. Haha. Since its my mother birthday in a few days time, i decided to treat my family to just this place.

    The first thing that impressed me when i reached our table, its definitely the decoration. Oh well, perhaps its due to the wedding that is taking place on the other side of the restuarant, so we got a nicely decorated table and chairs (its pretty similar to those you find in the wedding banquet, with ribbons tied at the back of the chairs). :)

    We have ordered around eight dishes and that includes the curry fried squid, jade abalone mushroom with vegetable, nonya grouper, sweet and sour pork, hot plate toufu, ee fu noodles, prawns with fruit salad and of course the ginko nuts and yam paste dessert.

    Of all the dishes, i loved the hot plate toufu the best. Ok, i know this dish may sound as a very simple dish to most of you. But, i just loved the taste of the fried toufu with the egg and delicious sauce. And of course not forgetting how they taste pipping hot when put inside my mouth. :)

    Another dish that i loved is their prawn with fruit salad. A rather simple dish with their prawns being fried and mixed together with some mayo and fruit salad. The size of the prawns and the crispness of the prawn do impressed me. It tasted simply marvellous when combined with the fruit salad.

    Last but not least, i liked their dessert -- ginko nuts with yam paste. A rather generous number of ginko nuts are placed inside the yam paste and together with the pumpkin sauce, this dessert will not taste dry at all. I pretty like the texture of the yam paste -- smooth.

    Guess, they did fare quite well in the food area. However, as for their service wise, i guess theres still room for improvement. Take for example, they actually served the wrong dish to us (without knowing is the incorrect dish, we polish it clean) and when the staffs knew that they gave us the wrong dish, they did not even bother to apologise for their mistake.

    Another example is definitely the long waiting time for the dishes. They basically served the dishes one by one. So, we have to finish up the first plate and wait for around 10 minutes before the second plate is served. Waiting time is still required even when i requested for bowls of rice.

    Oh well, guess if waiting time is not a problem with you. This is a good place to try out their food. Price wise, i guess its pretty reasonable. :)

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    Comments on this review:
    1. ladyironchef
      ladyironchef said:
      Ahh.. i heard abt this one from a friend. Whats the price range? hmm.. cant really expect services from this type of old-school chinese restaurant? lol
      20 Jan 2008 at 4:26 pm
    2. Great Sage
      Great Sage said:
      actually cannot really remember the price range... but in total we spend nearly 200 bucks for around 8 - 9 dishes. Hope this helps. :)
      10 Feb 2008 at 7:43 pm
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