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1 Liang Seah Street, #01-11
Liang Seah Place
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: (65) 6339-8198
Restaurants » Desserts
Photos of Ah Chew’s Desserts - RestaurantsPhotos of Ah Chew’s Desserts - RestaurantsPhotos of Ah Chew’s Desserts - RestaurantsPhotos of Ah Chew’s Desserts - RestaurantsPhotos of Ah Chew’s Desserts - Restaurants

Tuesday-Saturday 12:30pm-11:30pm Sunday 01:15pm-11:30pm Rest Day : Monday

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    » 5 Reviews for “Ah Chew’s Desserts ” - Restaurants

  1. $money$
     29 Aug 2012 at 9:59 am
       Ah Chew   Ah Chew   Ah Chew   Ah Chew   Ah Chew

    It was Friday night and we had to queue for a table but I don’t think we waited more than 15 minutes – for some reason, I find that customers tend not to loiter in these type of old-style Chinese dessert stores, maybe because the staff will “diligently” clear your bowls such that you will leave right after you have finished your food. They took 2 units, and we have to pay first at one of the unit, before waiting for our dessert to be served at the next-door unit where our seats were. There were also some people ordering take-aways and waiting at where we place (and paid) our orders.

    When we got to our seats, my friend frowned, as she didn’t like the durian smell from the other tables – seems their durian dishes were in their recommended list. We ordered none of the durian dishes and just kept to the “traditional” ones: Gui Ling Gao; Mango Sago; Honeydew Sago; Steamed Milk & Egg.

    My friends who had the Mango Sago find the coconut milk taste to be too strong, overpowering the mango taste. One of them commented that the quality seems to have dropped as compared to her last visit – while the price had increased. I didn’t get to try the mango sago, but I would prefer the thick type (and not this watery type) that I have at another dessert outlet at Arcade & People’s Park.

    The Gui Ling Gao came with a big pot of honey - I wonder if the honey has a higher cost then the Gui Ling Gao? For me, I had the Steamed Milk & Egg – this dish is now seldom found in Singapore dessert stores – although I would rate it a pass, but I thought that the one I had in Hong Kong is better (or maybe it was just the memories of my trip that made it seemed better?).

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    1. Great Sage
       05 Jan 2010 at 9:09 am
         Ah Chew   Ah Chew   Ah Chew   Ah Chew   Ah Chew

      Personally, i feel that Ah Chew's desserts are one of the few best desserts that i have ever tasted. Located along Liang Seah Street, Ah Chew originally occupies only one store space. It has since expanded into two store space to accommodate more customers. The overall feel of this store gives one a very warm yet traditional feel. This is likely attributed to the warm lighting as well as the oriental designed glass table and stools.

      Ah Chew employed a slightly different ordering system. Basically, one will have to find a seat first before he / she can order at the counter personally. Of course, bill will also be paid upon ordering. With only a single cash counter, this ordering system has somehow introduced a long queue at the counter, especially during the peak hours.

      Ah Chew has quite a wide variety of hot or cold desserts. Beside the desserts, they have also introduced a few add-ons option for one to customize their own dessert. Take for example, one can even add on ice cream for their mango sago and pomelo dessert.

      Out of their varieties of desserts, I liked their mango sago and pomelo the best. Beside the substantial amount of mango cubes, sago and pomelo, its mango base is also thick and creamy. The mango base is something which i think it’s important for the mango sago and pomelo dessert to taste good and nice. Believe they may have mixed in real mango puree to form this mango base texture.

      However, there is one thing which i think they can improve on their version of mango sago and pomelo dessert. That is to make use shaved ice instead of ice cubes. As the ice cubes do not melt fast enough, one would often taste the ice cubes when eating this dessert. Believe this will no longer be an issue if shaved ice is used instead. :)

      All in all, Ah Chew's dessert, especially the mango sago and pomelo is worth giving a try.

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      1. Ally
         10 Aug 2009 at 2:03 am

        Ah Chew's Desset is one of my favourite dessert place:) I was first introduced to this place by a friend 3 years ago, and have been a regular customer ever since.

        A bowl of dessert here can cost between $2.50 to $8. Although the price may seem a little steep for a bowl of dessert, I would say that it is worth the price. The desserts here are not excessively sweet, and we can taste the natural taste of the ingredients in it:) I often bring my friends from visiting from abroad here, and they all love this place:)

        Personally, I like the mango sago, honeydew sago, aloe vera lime and steamed egg. The mango sago was the first item that i tried 3 years ago, and what really caught my attention was that unlike most stalls where shaved ice makes up about 70% of the dessert, over here, mango makes up about 80% of the dessert. Comparing the standards with that of 3 years ago, I would say that there is consistency in the taste of their desserts:)

        Though i'm not a fan of hot desserts, I would say that the paste (sesame and almond) here are really good too. If you're craving for some nice, hot paste that's not too sweet, you ought to try this place out as well:) However, to avoid disappointment, do come before 9pm if you wanna try out these paste:) My friends came a few times after 9pm, and it was sold out by then~~

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        Comments on this review:
        1. Beckteria
          Beckteria said:
          ooh..i feel so tempted =) i personally go for hot desserts. shall go there tml!! =D
          11 Sep 2009 at 6:20 pm
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