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Blk 154 Serangoon North Ave 1
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: 6285-5003
Pets » Pet Shops

    Overall Rating:
    » 4 Reviews for “Goodwill Birds Trading ” - Pets

  1. Rock on!
     07 Jan 2009 at 6:22 pm

    I have known this pet shop for years. This shop owner is a friendly person. I own 2 parrots which i have bought from this shop. They are green parrots. The shop also sells birds cages and their food. This shop always crowded every time i visit it.

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    1. RichardDTan
       07 Jan 2009 at 2:37 pm

      I've been visiting Goodwill for many years now and I've come to know Boss Choon since my JBP days. He is a very pleasant and affable figure and is well-liked by his customers. Yes, he does take the trouble to remember your pets and even enquires about that as if they were your children (well, I guess they are).

      His stock of birds is also legal, legitimate and in very good health. No worries about sick birds, he would never sell them. If your bird is sick, take it back to Goodwill. If you are looking for a particular breed which you have not seen elsewhere, do look up Choon who will probably provide you with the best info you could get.

      I would recommend you stock your pets and supplies from Goodwill and I'm really glad to see that others have taken the initiative to laud this business!

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      1. Mystic
         22 Jun 2007 at 10:42 am

        My favourite Pet shop with a variety of items for my pet birds. As described by Topaz, my experience in this shop is excellent. I frequent this shop to buy food stuffs for my pet birds. Ah Choon, the shop owner, recognises me everytime I visit the shop and also remembers the price I bought the items for, even though it was 3-4 months ago.

        Once, the pellets i bought turned out to be soggy when I reached home and opened the box. I returned to the shop, reported it to him and he immediately asked me to take a new box....thought it was excellent.

        Actually this shop was recommended to me by a friend. So I am also recommending it to all Bird owners.

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