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Parkway Parade #B-45/46
Telephone: (65) 6345-8122Website:
Shopping (Online) » Jewelry & Accessories, Fashion (For Her) , Fashion (For Him)
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4 Reviews for “InQBox ” - Shopping (Online)
I love shopping at InQBox!! It is like a mini departmental store but they things you find there are very unique as most of them are handmade, and not just any handmade, but quality handmade. Almost every month, you'll be able to find new things there.
But I dont find myself making purchases. Many times, the items are way overpriced and not easy on the wallet. It's a good place for window shopping though with interesting finds!
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Does anyone know the rental (approx) for each cube or anyone know the response of sales being held in InQbox. Probably those who experience before can share your opinion here. I'm just kind of curious though I've been there once or twice.

ladyironchef said: 
claud said: 
Gemini said:
Login to add your comment. Or, Register for an account now. It's free!hello Gemini, you can just ask around the shoutbox, or ask using comments in the other yebber's review. shouldn't really "write a review" asking qns eh? haha
11 Jun 2008 at 10:16 pm
There's a fixed monthly rental for each box. And they'll take some percentage of every sale too.
11 Jun 2008 at 10:30 pm
This is my first time joining yebber and thot is like normal forum column. Get it now. Tks
12 Jun 2008 at 12:38 pm
InQbox is an interesting concept whereby the object of your affection is split into many different boxes or storage cabinets for purchase.
It is basically a clever ploy to allow companies who wish to spend less on acquiring shop space to have a space on the shelf by being affordable yet profitable.
Shopping in Inqbox is like a treasure hunt because you never know what you will find in the little display counters. Sometimes, you can find rare items like handmade music boxes while sometimes, even apples and pears make it into the boxes(i swear this is true).
However, even at such low rental prices, the items are priced at a premium due to the location. Music boxes can cost upwards of $500 and bags upwards for $70. It goes to show that rental is a killer though and that profit margins are either sky high or drop dead low.
Theres an employed shopkeeper who'll introduce items to you and help you out in making purchase decisions but otherwise, its all do it yourself.
An interesting concept but impratical in practice for the displayers. I haven't bought a thing yet so that says something about the items there. Still interesting though, you never know what you will find there.
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