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twirly's Latest Review
 21 Jan 2009 at 6:59 pm

I was always curious about the long queues outside Astons. One day, my curiosities beat me to it and I joined the never-ending queue. It was not a long wait to be seated, but waiting for the food was longer than I expected. I guess it was because of the lunch time hour, but I seriously feel that they were short of staff.

It took quite some time to get hold of the waiter to take down your order. Then, you had to wait even longer for the food to come. All in all, it was quite a wait before the food came.

The food was not bad though, and filling. And it is pretty cheap compared to other western food restaurants. But if I had to wait that long, I think I will go somewhere else..

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On the review for Tv Mobile
  1. krisandro
    krisandro said:
    'Just for Laughs' are also my favorite on Tv Mobile! Always fun to also see people trying hard to not laugh aloud. :D
    09 Jan 2009 at 12:23 pm

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