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21 Jurong Town Hall Road
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Telephone: (65) 6560-2306
Shopping » Sports

    Overall Rating:
    » 2 Reviews for “Snow City (Snow City Building) ” - Shopping

  1. catherinetgk
     08 Jan 2009 at 7:14 pm

    Snow City is quite a cheap place to go to for a holiday, etc. But it lacks fun.

    The playground there is tiny, and there isn't anything fun. The slope where you slide with a tyre on your butt is an easy way to get an adrenaline rush, however, it gets extremely boring after sometime.

    It's really good for parents with small children that are like, around maybe 7 or 8 years old as it is quite safe there. But it isn't a good place to have fun if you are the adventurous sort.

    I'd rather go to Bukit Timah Hill any day. It is, after all, free.

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    1. superchewy
       22 Oct 2007 at 3:23 pm

      Snow City is the first permanent indoor snow centre in Singapore. Despite our sunny Singapore now has real snow for everybody!It is so cold inside that you can see smoke coming out of mouth when u talk.

      Been there twice.The ticket cost $12 for an hour and $18 for two.Gloves are optional and they cost $2.10 per pair.Their's is the thicker type so it's worth it.Seriously an hour there is just nice to enjoy the slide and to freeze.Remember to put on long pant if you don't want your legs to freeze.

      15mins before the start of your session you will have to queue up get your boots,gloves(if you rent them).The jackets are hung on the hanger so you just go and grab whatever that fits you.You have to be fast cos if not u'll be left with the small sizes.

      After changing not to worry you can leave all your belongings in the locer and put $1coin in it.The thing is you can bring any form of photographic equipment in there as they prohibits photos to be taken once you're waitin in the chamber.

      However,so many people still bring it in despite all the warnings.But not to worry they do take your photos for you when you are playing and the price of a photo is $10.

      Once inside the chamber and it's about time to enter the snow palace there will be a safety briefing.Those who are suffering from backaches,heart attack,children below the age of 3 etc..will be discourage from going onto the slide which is about 3storeys high.

      When my friend and i were inside we ran to the float section,grab it and start walking up the flights of stairs.It sure was tiring firstly,it was freezing cold,inside the temperature was -7degrees.Climbing up can be quite taxing but it was worth it!

      At the top when we sat down on our respective floats we had our photos taken.The first time we went down we locked our arms and went down side by side.I could feel my adrenaline rushing to my head when i slide down.It was fast and i shouted and cheered on the way down.

      Not to worry when you're at the top there will be assistants up there to assist you if you have kids or old people woth you.They will teach you the right way to go down to ensure safety.They are a fun bunch of people and very friendly too.

      The subsequent times we went down we went in different formations like one front,one back.The best is to go down alone.It's more scary that way and you're alone!!

      There were times where the ice when the ice went into my pants and you really can feel the freezing at the back to the legs and it's the feeling of dried ice on your skin.

      It really is very fun though i had to go out once to warm myself cos i couldn't take the cold.You can reenter and exit as ,any times u want so you should not worry if you feel cold easily.

      So if you have the time why don't you drop by the snow city and get your ticket for the admission and have a Chilly good time!!The science centre and the moni-max threatre are there too so if you have time to kill it just a few mins walk away. Have fun!!

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      Rating given:5 stars
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      Comments on this review:
      1. genesis
        genesis said:
        Detailed review! Thanks superchewy! Now there is another place to visit in Singapore.
        22 Oct 2007 at 11:12 pm
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