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2 Handy Road
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Telephone: (65) 6732-3952
Restaurants » Fusion, International
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A restaurant with fusion style food. Wonderful taste and wonderful ambience.

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    » 5 Reviews for “The Indulge (The Cathay) ” - Restaurants

  1. nadbe11e
     13 Aug 2008 at 9:23 am
       The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants

    I still have no idea how we ended up having dinner here. Oh yeah we wanted fast and didnt really feel like going for fast food. ok that was ironic.

    It was the fastest choosing of food done by me. I wanted fish and although the wok fried chicken looked good I choze the crysanthemum dory thingy with thai sauce knowing full well that me n thai sauces esp those with high contents of vinegar is not a good combination but i still whacked it anyway. Bf choze the sirloin with rice. medium rare.

    We also ordered the warm mushroom salad to share.

    Mushroom salad came. It was definitely different from my experience at AH. the musrooms were the small little cute musrooms probably stir fried and had a side of green. not greens. Green.nice but a tad too much balsamic vinegar(not that im complaining)

    Bfs food came first and shortly after mine came. For 14.90 i felt mine was like a bit too erm not filling at all. It was maybe the same amnt of fish that u can get from eating fish and chips from banquet. But one good thing. The presentation was nice. how it was shaped and the thai sauce was very sweet n spicy but not overly spicy. I did enjoy it but still it would be nice if they maybe added a side of fries or rice.

    Bf let me try his beef. half of it was more medium well than medium rare but the middle part was ok. Chewable It was a pretty noisy place cos lets face it, its the cathay on a saturday, tons of people goin in n out. Not a place for a romantic quiet date. Staff were quite good though. Although it was a full house it was easy to get their attention.

    The meal was overall okay. But paying $40 was a bit steep for a meal that still left me feeling hungry. Or maybe all that action from the movie really gave me an appetite.

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    1. Lucardia
       05 Aug 2008 at 9:13 pm
         The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants

      Having heard much good things about the Indulge from online forums and websites, i decided to make a trip down that same day i had my anniversary with my gf. In fact, this came after Braise and was an early dinner for us. Touted as a reasonably priced and good gourmet food restaurant, it had alot to live up to. Did it meet expectations though?

      Indulge Yourself ($6.50) - Indulge Special ($7.50) - The interior is decorated with art pieces, soft lighting and simple chairs for a simplistic yet comfortable touch. Fronting the door is the bar were drinks are prepared while the restaurant has a seating capacity of about 30 people. The drinks were recommended by the waiter who informed that the drinks were made using real juice. The Indulge Yourself drink is made of half mango and half strawberry juice which was actually decent but the novelty wears off after a while. The Indulge special has mango, watermelon and a blue coral mix which was also cooling but extremely sweet.

      Crispy Prawn Tossed with garlic mayo and sunflower seeds - Quite a mouthful in terms of a name but in actuality, it has much in common with the wasabi prawn. The batter is thin and crispy while the mayo is decidedly fragrant enough to warrant a taste. I did find the prawns a tad too small and the serving size too little but thats also testament to me wanting to have more of the dish.

      Szechuan Sweet and Spicy Soup - Having not gotten the mild pumpkin soup ready in the kitchen, the chef nicely told us of the alternative of having a special szechuan soup which i feel is actually pretty good. Sweet, sour and spicy, it has some of the Szechuan flavor one might come to expect. Its not very strong though so it comes across as just right. I could have a second bowl of this easily.

      Pan Seared Salmon in Kung Po Sauce - We asked to change the lemon sauce salmon for the pan seared kung po salmon as it was one of the winning dishes this restaurant has produced for the Singapore excellent food awards. Alas, i beg to understand how this dish could ever win? The salmon was pan fried too dry with the meat being dry, hard and lacking taste. No doubt the kung po sauce is excellent but the salmon itself totally disappointed me and my gf. Not to mention the size of the salmon was decidedly small. Its quite a let down actually.

      Grilled Ribeye With Braised Mushroom - Another award winning dish for excellent food awards, i was also disappointed as the meat was tasteless and could only pass for average at best. The presentation is pretty good but tastewise, it leaves much to be desired. In fact, i was constantly given the impression that these dishes were sold short as they were included in a budget set dinner menu but thats just me i suppose.

      Passion Fruit Panna Cotta With Chocolate Ice Cream - The panna cotta is blurred off in the back of the picture. The ice cream is average at best. Supermarket quality if i'm not wrong but the panna cotta tasted fresh, sweet and smooth enough to recommend. Now if they could give a full cup of it instead of 1/3 cup, that would be great

      The final bill clocked in at $72.75 for 2 people. Its a real mixed bag but to me, my hopes were built too high and the drop too steep to feel the meal justified.

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      1. ladyironchef
         13 May 2008 at 12:25 pm
           The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants   The Indulge (The Cathay) - Restaurants

        The Indulge @ Cathay offers fusion European cuisine with an Asian twist. Located at basement 1 of Cathay, the front of the restaurant isn’t that prominent from first sight, its more behind in a corner.

        The fusion cuisine is apparent in the names of the dishes like panseared salmon with kung po sauce, dory with thai sauce, chicken kebab with oyster ginger sauce.

        The Indulge interior is quite small, roughly seats about 20-30. The lightning is actually quite dark, i suppose its for the “ambiance”

        One thing that i don’t like was at one corner of the restaurant, they actually dumped quite a lot of stuff there which makes the overall feel messy and untidy.

        Apparently The Indulge won quite a lot of awards, and appeared on magazines and local publications.

        The Indulge offers “super value” lunch promotion set meals, at $10.90 you can choose from a few main course, and it comes with free tea, soup of the day, and dessert of the day.

        There are some dishes which are supposedly the chef’s signature dishes, but not feeling very adventurous, my cousin and I decided to go for the cheaper set meals.

        Chicken Chop with roasted black pepper sauce ($10.90) The black pepper sauce chicken chop comes with either garlic rice or mash potatos. I chose garlic rice, and the fragrant of the garlic in the rice surge in when i had my first taste of it.

        Although the garlic rice was not bad, not so much can be said of the black peper chicken chop. It was downright ordinary. Being a restaurant i was expecting something more, but it just never came.

        Grilled Beef sirloin with black pepper sauce ($10.90) The same could be said for the black pepper sirloin. Done medium rare, the sirloin did nothing to impress us.

        One thing which i also did not like was the lack of sides, it could be better if there are sides of veggies or stuff like potatoes which will make the meal more complete.

        Dessert of the day The dessert of the day is a single scoop of ice cream, while the ice cream is your normal vanilla, but the sauce and nut goes quite well with it.

        Total bill was $25.50 for 2 person, not expensive given its a restaurant. But its a double-edged thing, the quality is certainly not there since its a restaurant also.

        Maybe we ordered the wrong dishes, maybe we should have try the signature dishes to have a true gauge of the restaurant, but if the normal dishes taste so ordinary like your typical coffee shop western food, i’m not so sure about the rest.

        But having said all that, The Indulge still served fusion food with affordable pricing, and its a good place for a meal in Cathay, especially when there’s not much dining place there, and you can have a quick bite before or after your movies.

        You are always welcome to visit ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my genuine feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or biasness. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

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        Comments on this review:
        1. ladyironchef
          ladyironchef said:
          quite short right? i cut down on the time to write. lol
          13 May 2008 at 12:23 pm
        2. claud
          claud said:
          This is long liao leh! LIC you should try their pasta and their signature Chrysanthemum Shaped Dory w/ Thai Sauces!
          13 May 2008 at 12:35 pm
        3. ladyironchef
          ladyironchef said:
          where got long, i write very short liao, i think took me less than half an hour onli. lol
          13 May 2008 at 12:43 pm
        4. 3 more comments »
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