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Arts and Entertainment » Radio & Televisions
TVMobile, a subsidiary of MediaCorp TV, is the first channel in the world to pioneer the use of Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) technology to deliver high quality programmes to viewers on the move. Together with FM 89.3, TVMobile provides entertainment for commuters with the latest infotainment, entertainment programmes and real-time news; keeping them informed even when they are on the move.
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13 Reviews for “Tv Mobile ” - Arts & Entertainment
Tv Mobile is one of the reasons why our transportation costs of public buses go up. Buses main job is to let commuters travel to their destination. All other upgrades are not really necessary. The large amounts of advertisements shown are also quite annoying.
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ok the good - live telecast of certain shows and simulcast of those on tv..
the cons- apart from the freezing scenes, i've seen certain programmes over and over and OVER again, over 5 times over a few days. And its like once when you board in the morning, and when you knockoff or want to go elsewhere in the afternoon, its the exact same programme on air again. It drives me crazy, when I cant have a nap and/or do not have other things to distract me..
Thank goodness i didnt see them on newer buses..
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When this little tube was implemented, I was wondering what we can see on such a tiny screen. Well, it didn't disappoint but it didn't wow me either.
The frames were jerky at certain stretches of the roads and the sound of varying volumes on different buses. Perhaps due to the different crowd at different time.
The colours were torturing because of the reddish hue or dark shades on different screens. I simply get headaches and feel nauseous after 5 minutes of staring at the screen.
And not to forget, the freezing frames during the show's climax and you simply want to scream. Other times, you have reached your stop and the scenes will be missed because it won't be shown again at the appropriate time (read your own convenience).
Not that I'm complaining but if this constant freezing of frames doesn't even contribute to the passengers' entertainment, then, it might as well be scrapped instead of taking up that extra seat.

claud said: 
WishBoNe said:
Login to add your comment. Or, Register for an account now. It's free!Think they've stopped installing on some of the newer buses. Hope they'll remove it too.
11 Jan 2008 at 5:52 pm
Oh, that's good. Because repeats are not welcomed either. :D
13 Jan 2008 at 11:17 am