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14 Scotts Road
#05-70 Far East Plaza
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Restaurants » Japanese
Photos of WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - RestaurantsPhotos of WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - RestaurantsPhotos of WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - RestaurantsPhotos of WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - RestaurantsPhotos of WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - Restaurants

An Authentic and cheap Japanese Resturant in Far East Plaza!

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    » 7 Reviews for “WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) ” - Restaurants

  1. Rityz
     29 Jan 2009 at 3:20 pm

    Okay I really like this place but i feel i have to warn you guys first..

    Firstly, yes the waiting time. Waiting time for dinner is abt an hr (if you are lucky) or more. so pls dont grumble if you gotta wait. cos the only thing worse thn waiting is having grumblin ppl behind you the whole time.

    And secondly ppl, this is not a place for chit chat. Its hit and run. DO NOT linger over tea or slowly nibble your food like a mouse in a slow motion.

    Because if you do, the ppl Qing outside will shoot u killer glares. (The restaurant is right nxt to a food store so its very oily and smokey, the ventilation is horrible) (So be considerate la!)

    Thirdly pls order all your food at one go because second orderings cost you 20% extra.

    Fourthly the sashimi is not always fresh I've been there on days where its pretty bad but of cos i didnt dare to complain la. hahah

    And yah dont come too late or most of the stuff will be sold out! esp the chawanmushi and its a die die must try (:

    okay i think thts abt it. enjoy ppl!

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    1. Lucardia
       17 Jan 2009 at 10:55 am
         WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - Restaurants   WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - Restaurants   WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - Restaurants   WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - Restaurants   WASABI TEI Japanese Cuisine (Far East Plaza) - Restaurants

      As i'm preparing and writing this post, i'm struggling deep inside on whether i should post this or not. Reason being, this is one of my absolute favorites of all time and the fact that already too many people know of this gem of a restaurant. I'll make a statement here: "This is the best Japanese food i've had in Singapore thus far." Not that i've tried alot of the higher end restaurants but given the price and the quality, nowhere in Singapore comes close yet. You do have to get over a few things you may find weird though.

      I'll start off with some things to note so that you at least know what to expect:

      1: Do NOT put your finished plates on the sushi counter

      2: If you order the hotpots, do NOT put your hand near the serving plate when he serves.

      3: Your experience will depend solely on the food and not on the service and that the only way it can be.

      4: Always order in numbers and prepare your order BEFORE coming into the restaurant.

      5: A $2 charge is mandatory for each seat and comes with a drink. There's no service charge or gst.

      6: There's no pork or lard here.

      7: Be prepared to wait 1 hour at least if you miss the first seating. The restaurant seats only 16 people and if you miss it, you'll just have to queue outside till someone finishes their meal.

      8: Do NOT offend the chef.

      This is it, the place to look for. Wasabi tei is run by only 2 people, the chef and (if i'm not mistaken) his wife or assistant. She's in charge of serving drinks and taking orders while the chef takes care of everything else. Both of them have quite a temper but otherwise, i think their just nice people making a living.

      Amuse Boche - Apart from the drink, your $2 per seat also comes with the appetiser. It looks less appealing then it really is. To describe its taste, its sweet, slightly salty and light. In other words, its an excellent appetiser in my opinion. Not sure if thats beancurd or meat but no matter, its still good.

      Chawanmushi ($5) - A picture speaks a thousand words and this chawamushi should tell you how it tastes like quite simply. Its nothing short of superb. The generous helpings of enoki mushrooms, prawn, sharks fin and chicken meat is obvious since its filled to the brim with it. Its also made fresh when its ordered which thus give the chawanmushi its excellent melt in your mouth sensation. Unlike other renditions, this is extremely light and smooth. To date, this dish is unmatched anywhere else in Singapore.

      Salmon Sashimi ($9) - I hope this picture tells you that the salmon sashimi comes in a huge portion because it definitely did. 6 thick slices of salmon thats easily 2 servings in similar restaurants for a reasonable price of $9. It also helps that the sashimi is wonderfully fresh and sweet with the natural fat of the fish giving it a nice smooth texture as well. At this price, the quality is just unbelievable. Trust me, this is worth more then all the red plates or whatever plates the sashimi comes in elsewhere.

      Mixed Sashimi Rice ($20) - Another shockingly huge portion of sliced fish. My gf ordered this because she's a huge fan of sashimi and honestly, i've never felt it worth my money to eat this until now and thats saying a lot. Salmon, toro, kenpachi, tuna and fish roe rounds up the sashimi selection and each comes in thick slices and generously proportioned. Sashimi is the ultimate test of freshness offered by a japanese restaurant and over here, i would say i've found the winner. What else can i say about the freshness and generousity of the portions at the price? Its just really really good.

      Cod Fish Hotpot ($15) - I found this on the menu and was geniunely surprised at this being offered at $15. After all, cod is an extremely expensive fish. However, i'm glad to report that this is also worth every cent. The fish is very smooth and tender while the hotpot is filled with assorted vegetables, mushrooms and vermicelli. It also helps that it is served with rice and a nice concoction of home made chili sauce which goes really well with the fish. In fact, i'd say it enhances the fresh taste of the fish and makes it even better. A worthwhile item as well.

      On this visit, my total damage amounted to $52 and i have to say, this is more value for money then any japanese restaurant i've ever been to.

      The fabled and legendary chawanmushi - On my second, third and forth visit, the chawanmushi is still something we'll order and never get sick off. There's nothing more to say about it, its just that good. If you've only eaten at say...Sakae or Sushi Tei, this version will change your opinion of chawanmushi for good.

      Crab Sushi ($6) - One thing to note about the chef is that he seems to do sushi rolls last after preparing everything else. So if you're here and only ordered sushi, you're gonna need to wait for some time. The sushi we ordered had crab meat, avacado, cucumbers and fish roe and like the rest of the offerings, this was good. However, it wasn't great and the waiting time involved makes me feel that the other items are much better investments.

      Sashimi Moriwase ($25) - Sashimi addiction? Yeah, i'd say that's pretty much the case here. For $25, you get generous portions and thick slices of sashimi with the same wonderful freshness and sweetness i've mentioned earlier. At this portion size and quality, i'd say this is easily $40 or more in other restaurants but over here, its a luxury i wouldn't miss to order. The added scallop this time around is excellent to say the least. Its sweetness and texture is something you need to try to understand. I ordered this on subsequent visits as well and i have to say, it never disappoints. Have this and thank me later. It also helps that the chef prepares this as one of his first items to serve so you'll get it pretty quickly.

      Unagi Rice ($13) - Look at the unagi and believe it. This is only $13 and the portion he is giving is simply huge. For the same price, you'd probably get only one piece elsewhere but over here, 2 huge portions of savoury, made on-the-spot freshly grilled unagi at an unbelievably reasonable price. It helps that the unagi is also of the melt-in-your-mouth texture with an excellent and balanced sauce which is neither too sweet nor too salty. My order was a little charred at some places but even then, i found this very tasty. I'm pretty much sold for this dish and i simply love it much like everything else i've tried here.

      Total bill was a little more this time at $58 for 2 but still more value for money then anything else thus far.

      Minus the little gripes about the small space and the sometimes black face of the couple. This place is a treasure little found elsewhere in Singapore. The food is nothing short of excellent and the value for money it provides is second to none. Thus far in my food endevours, nothing matches this place for quality and value quite this much. The only places close to it will be Sage for the quality of its fusion food but the cost is definitely much higher. Wasabi tei is a place i would return to again and again and again and to be honest, i did return with my gf at least another 3 times with more still on the cards. Definitely a winner. Do note its not open on Sundays and public holidays though. You'll probably see me there again real soon as well. Cheers and a special Thank You! to the chef and his assistant for bringing such reasonably priced and good japanese food into Singapore.

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      Rating given:5 stars
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      Comments on this review:
      1. cheaping
        cheaping said:
        wow! very detailed. thanks for the info. have to go & check this place.
        17 Jan 2009 at 7:55 pm
      2. Lucardia
        Lucardia said:
        Thank you, its definitely worth a try if you discount service and just focus on the food and price. cheers.
        17 Jan 2009 at 9:52 pm
      3. Rityz
        Rityz said:
        darn the Q is alr long enuff & nw u gotta let more ppl know. haha (just kiddin)
        29 Jan 2009 at 3:09 pm
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    2. neoscan
       08 Nov 2008 at 10:23 pm

      This must be the biggest scam of all time!!!!

      I have tasted the most horrible japanese food served in a resturant.

      Taste the worst sashimi, sushi & saba fish ever!!!!

      And it cost me $47!!!

      I feel cheated by all these who review the good food.

      To me it's the worst japanese food i have ever tried & i will never go back even if it's free!!!!

      Tags: 3  add tags
      Rating given:1 stars
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      Comments on this review:
      1. Lucardia
        Lucardia said:
        you must belong to another japanese restaurant don't you? please, try to be mature.
        17 Jan 2009 at 10:48 am
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