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112 Robinson Road
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Telephone: (65) 86-592-2226666
Hotels and Travels » Airlines

Xiamen Airlines is the only Chinese airline who operates a fleet solely of Boeing aircraft. The fleet is comprised of 87 aircraft with a total seat number of 14,094. With an average airplane service age of 4.62 years, the fleet ranks as one of the youngest in the airline industry of the world.

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    » 1 Review for “Xiamen Airlines ” - Hotels &Travels

  1. hburn10
     27 Mar 2013 at 2:33 pm

    I think Xiamen Airline has the honour of being on my 'worst airline' list. Why? Plenty of reasons, but here goes some:

    Price - their tickets are expensive. My tickets to Fuzhou typically falls between $800 - $1,000 which is way above what it is worth.

    Planes - their planes are like toy planes - so smallish it almost looks cute. Their seats are tight, and they have no individual inflight entertainment systems. So you either have to force yourself to sleep or force yourself to watch whatever they decide to play for you on the common screens. Food - they also have the worst airline meals ever. I have vivid memories of being served plain rice with green peas - not appetizing at all. I always end up mixing their rice with the pre-packed pickled veg to make it more bearable.

    Service - quite crappy. You see sullen faces, occasionally some nice ones if you're lucky. They shout 'A' or 'B' as choices for the meals during meal service but plonk whatever is available on your tray without waiting for your answer. So they're really asking for erm fun.

    Loyalty prog - non existent. Their programme is called Egret membership and during my last flight my points were not accrued. So I wrote to them and.............nothing happened. I didnt bother to chase up too as really, what's the point.

    I sometimes have to travel to Fuzhou for work and this airline unfortunately is the only airline which flies direct so I have no choice. But if you do, dont take this!!

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