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Desmond T's Latest Review
 30 Apr 2008 at 3:59 pm

This beancurd store should be familiar to many singaporean who are beancurd lovers. Yes, there are others like those in Geylang too... But with the stall or rather stalls near my school, i would like to talk about it / them.

Located opposite Peace Centre, along Selegie, there is this superb beancurd store where many singaporeans would head there especially at night for a nice bowl of tau huay or soya bean drink along with egg tart or You tiao. Fresh, soft and tender, it is definitely a lot much better than any other place.

A definite must GO!

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Desmond Tang

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Desmond T is a male yebber.

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Currently a Student In SMU. Studying Business Management. Changes in me everyday. Got to know me first to know what I am truly... haha...
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My Comments
On the review for Astons Specialties (Katong)
  1. Desmond T
    Desmond T said:
    i have eaten there b4 too.. worth going!!!
    05 Feb 2008 at 10:18 pm
On the review for The Mind Cafe (Prinsep)
  1. Desmond T
    Desmond T said:
    Hey, im going there later in the afternoon... shall add in my review later too ya...
    04 Jan 2008 at 10:51 am
On the review for Courts (Woodland)
  1. Desmond T
    Desmond T said:
    How service affect sales eh... a few years ago stuff, till now you could still remember vividly...
    03 Jan 2008 at 5:08 am
On the review for Dian Xiao Er (Marina Square)
  1. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    mmm another good review. Thanks Des
    29 Feb 2008 at 12:34 am
  2. feizhu
    feizhu said:
    Ate there before and its quite good.
    29 Feb 2008 at 9:43 am
On the review for Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe (Marina Square)
  1. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    Wa only 2nd good review wor. Looks like must try for myself to see. haha
    10 Feb 2008 at 1:13 pm
On the review for Pure Salon
  1. Bobo
    Bobo said:
    Wah sounds cheap and good and near.... :) Thanks Desmond!
    17 Jan 2008 at 10:33 pm

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