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sleepydays's Latest Review
 06 Apr 2008 at 12:26 am
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Just had my very first ride at Singapore Flyer yesterday.

Though it was Friday night, the place was surprisengly NOT crowded, so 10 of us could monopolize one capsule. (actually, a couple after us monopolized one capsule all by themselves!)

As "claud" has mentioned, yes, you need to go through a security check, just like boarding a commercial airplane. After taking a group photo in front of capsule mockup, we boarded the real one.

The view of Singapore skyscraper was really magnificent, and breath-taking. Luckily, the floor was not transparent, and each capsule had 2 benches for us to sit down, even my colleague with acrophobia (afraid of height) managed to keep her cool and enjoyed the fantastic view.

I personally suggest those with acrophobia to try Singapore Flyer at night; as you won't see or feel much height, because of darkness. You won't be able to see the space between your capsule and the ground; instead, you will be mesmerized by the sparkling skyscraper.

I tried to t...   

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sleepydays is a female yebber.

A little about sleepydays...

I'm a Japanese PR, happily married to a Singaporean guy with 2 beautiful kids. ;-) I work as a freelance translator/interpreter/web designer, as well as enterpreneur in some online businesses.
sleepydays's Recent reviews
The Singapore FlyerSeafood Paradise (Singapore Flyer)
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My Comments
On the review for Seafood Paradise (Singapore Flyer)
  1. sleepydays
    sleepydays said:
    Actually, I did not have a chance to see the menu personally...but my colleague told me that it wasn't really expensive and actually reasonable.
    06 Apr 2008 at 6:36 pm
On the review for Snapz
  1. sleepydays
    sleepydays said:
    OMG...that reminds me of yet another terrible force selling I've ever encountered. That's why in Japan, customer sercvice is more important than product itself.
    06 Apr 2008 at 12:49 am
On the review for Seafood Paradise (Singapore Flyer)
  1. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    ahh.. expensive dinner? but then again its a corporate dinner so no problem? lol
    06 Apr 2008 at 6:27 pm
  2. Polarbear
    Polarbear said:
    Wow nice. Maybe to go and give it a try!
    06 Apr 2008 at 8:28 pm
  3. Lucardia
    Lucardia said:
    Seafood Paradise, taste paradise. Lol, so many places to try so little $$$.
    06 Apr 2008 at 10:13 pm
  4. 1 more comment »
On the review for The Singapore Flyer
  1. s
    s said:
    06 Apr 2008 at 3:33 pm
  2. ladyironchef
    ladyironchef said:
    yeah, i guess i'll wait a while for the hype to die down before i try : )
    06 Apr 2008 at 6:27 pm
  3. Lucardia
    Lucardia said:
    Definitely taking a ride on it in the near future. Thanks!
    06 Apr 2008 at 10:13 pm

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