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intsymoo's Latest Review
 13 Jan 2009 at 9:53 pm

check out the dim sum promotion every monday to saturday, 230-530pm, 30% off dim sum menu. it's a good deal!

i tried their custard bun (supposedly their specialty dim sum dish), xiao long bao, queen siew mai, carrot cake, and char siew rice roll. the xlb is good! the skin may nt be as thin as other restaurants, but it is soft and does not break easily too. the soup is abundant and really savoury. gotta be my fave dish here! the siew mai was good too, and the rest just average - generally nice, but nothing to rave abt.

tea is $4 a pot and they'll always top up with hot water, so it's good to get a pot if you're intending to chat over tea.

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My Comments
On the review for MaMa Bakery
  1. intsymoo
    intsymoo said:
    the choco bowl was $2.50, which is very reasonable considering its portion! not sure abt the other flavours tho...
    09 Jul 2008 at 11:19 pm
On the review for Shokudo Japanese Food Bazaar
  1. $money$
    $money$ said:
    guess omu rice will be the attraction there. since not many restuarants offer that on the menu, or at least not same high-standard ones.
    18 Nov 2008 at 7:12 pm
On the review for Pattaya
  1. feizhu
    feizhu said:
    the last time i went pattaya, i went to the islands around it, which was something different.
    29 Sep 2008 at 11:48 am
On the review for Phuket
  1. mystery
    mystery said:
    yes, i strongly agree. My 5days trip in Phuket is very memorable :)
    18 Sep 2008 at 3:39 pm

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