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Great Sage's Reviews

       05 Jan 2010 at 9:09 am
    Category: Desserts
       AC 1   ac 2   ac 3   ac 4   ac 5
    Personally, i feel that Ah Chew's desserts are one of the few best desserts that i have ever tasted. Located along Liang Seah Street, Ah Chew originally occupies only one store space. It has since expanded into two store space to accommodate more customers. The overall feel of this store gives one a very warm yet traditional feel. This is likely attributed to the warm lighting as well as the oriental designed glass table and stools.

    Ah Chew employed a slightly different ordering system. Basically, one will have to find a seat first before he / she can order at the counter personally. Of course, bill will also be paid upon ordering. With only a single cash counter, this ordering system has somehow introduced a long queue at the counter, especially during the peak hours.

    Ah Chew has quite a wide variety of hot or cold desserts. Beside the desserts, they have also introduced a few add-ons option for one to customize their own dessert. Take for example, one can even add on ice cream for their mango sago and pomelo dessert.

    Out of their varieties of desserts, I liked their mango sago and pomelo the best. Beside the substantial amount of mango cubes, sago and pomelo, its mango base is also thick and creamy. The mango base is something which i think it’s important for the mango sago and pomelo dessert to taste good and nice. Believe they may have mixed in real mango puree to form this mango base texture.

    However, there is one thing which i think they can improve on their version of mango sago and pomelo dessert. That is to make use shaved ice instead of ice cubes. As the ice cubes do not melt fast enough, one would often taste the ice cubes when eating this dessert. Believe this will no longer be an issue if shaved ice is used instead. :)

    All in all, Ah Chew's dessert, especially the mango sago and pomelo is worth giving a try.
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    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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         04 Jan 2010 at 6:05 pm
      Category: Hawker Centres
         JK 1   JK 2
      My friend told me that this stall sells good 'Bak Ku Teh' and has an almost signature hot spicy peppery 'Bak Ku' Soup. I have always preferred 'Bak Ku Teh' that are of a much peppery taste, thus i purposely made my way down to Jurong East and try them out.

      Hidden in a hawker centre in Jurong East, this shop was located at the circumferences of the hawker centre. So, one simply needs to walk round that hawker centre and you will be able to locate this store. It should be considered as one of the biggest 'Bak Ku Teh' store in that entire hawker center as it occupies two shop spaces instead of a normal one.

      They have quite a few certificates (makansutra, where the queue starts, etc) pasted on the store, this indirectly indicate that their 'Bak Ku Teh' would be of a certain standard. Of course, this had also increase my expectation on this store.

      Their varieties found on the menu was pretty similar compared to other 'Bak Ku Teh' store. Beside pork ribs, it also have intestines and pork trotters. The 'Bak Ku Teh' comes in two different portion and starts from 4 bucks for the smalles portion.

      I ordered the smallest portion of the 'Bak Ku Teh' and it comes with three pork ribs. This portion was pretty similar as compared to other 'Bak Ku Teh' store. However, i find that their pork ribs were bit too small and have much fats in them. Perhaps, pork ribs with fats would made the 'Bak Ku Teh' more tasty but still, i would prefer those of a leaner pork.

      As for the 'Bak Ku' soup, it was indeed peppery, however this peppery taste may be too much for those who cannot accept spicy stuffs. Combined with the garlic, it forms a pretty tasty soup overall. But still, i wish that the garlic taste would be bit stronger. :)

      They were pretty generous when it comes to refilling the 'Bak Ku' soup where they would refill it up to the rim of the bowl. Although, they only refill the 'Bak Ku' soup for once, they are still willing to refill the soup for me when i asked for the second time. Pretty customer oriented in this case.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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        3. The Taiyaki   
           04 Jan 2010 at 6:01 pm
        Category: Japanese
           tai_1   tai_2   tai_3   tai_4   tai_5
        The ION orchard food hall was like a maze to me. Every food store looks so similar (in terms of exterior decoration) to me. After several turns, we still can't decide what to have. In the end, we decided to just settle with the store right in front of us. This store is non other than “The Taiyaki”.

        "The Taiyaki” food store basically made use of the ‘see-through’ idea to allow customers to have a closer distance with the chef. In this case, customers will be able to see how their food is being prepared and at the same time, be assured that the chef will not short change them in terms of quantity and hygiene. Personally, I feel that such ‘see-through’ concept is a pretty good idea as one will not need to ask the chef what they are cooking or how it was being prepared, etc.

        “The Taiyaki” sells Japanese style crispy pancakes and these pancakes were all shaped as a fish. Wonder why the Japanese liked the ‘Fish’ shape so much as I have saw similar ‘fish’ shape pancakes selling elsewhere. Perhaps the ‘fish’ shape is a pretty simple shape to mould or perhaps it holds some special meaning for the Japanese themselves.

        This store sells about six different varieties of crispy pancakes, which can be divided into two categories – the sweet and the savory ones. The sweet pancakes include the red bean, the banana chocolate and the apple cinnamon. As for the savory ones, there are bacon and egg, Italian and german potato. Recently, they also came out a new curry flavor of crispy pancake.

        We ordered the Italian flavor crispy pancake. It consists of tuna, cheese, corn, tomato sauce and sausage. Can you imagine how a small size pancakes can packed so many ingredients inside? Well, it sure did and the end product was a big fat fish pancake. :) At first, I was pretty wary that the taste may be weird as each of these ingredients has its own unique taste. After the first taste, I realized that these thoughts were unnecessary. When savoring the mixed product of these ingredients, I find it pretty alright and am still able to taste each ingredients unique taste.

        I liked the special batter that they used, making the pancake to taste very crispy. The amount of ingredients was pretty substantial, making the entire pancake to be very filling. For a cost of less than 3 bucks for each pancake, I feel that this pancake is pretty worth the price. To compare with those of very thick batter, I still prefer this pancake over those. However, I dislike the fact that the pancake gets burnt easily with few black patches on the pancake. Perhaps, the temperature of the oven was pretty high that day to accommodate faster time to make the pancakes. However, it would definitely be better if they would slowly bake the pancakes at an optimal temperature.
        Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
        Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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          4. Mary Corner   
             04 Jan 2010 at 5:52 pm
          Category: Coffee Shops
             MC 1   MC 2   MC 3   MC 4
          This store should have existed for a very long time now. I can still vaguely remember how my mom would buy their tau kwa for me to eat when i am just a kid. Yes, am indeed surprised that this store still exists after so many years. Perhaps, its special and unique recipe can indeed satisfy the taste buds of many people here.

          Mary corner is located in a coffeeshop near the traffic junction. Although the coffeeshop is a pretty small one but still there is some difficulties in locating this store. Thanks to its numerous signs, notices and newspaper cuttings that shed some light to me. I managed to find this store at an un-noticeable corner of the coffeeshop.

          Mary corner sell quite a few items but their 'tau kwa' seems to be the most popular item of all. As such, we decided to order their 'tau kwa'. Afraid that its portion may not be filling enough, we also ordered a bowl of laksa. The total cost of a plate of 'tau kwa' and a bowl of laksa is 8 bucks. A pretty acceptable pricing, i can say.

          One plate of their 'tau kwa' hold two big pieces of bean curd. On top of this deeply fried bean curd were sprinkled with some bits of ingredients. From what i can see, these ingredients consist of boiled egg, cucumber and some form of crispy cracker. To top it off, theses 'tau kwa' were drizzled with some special sauce. The overall 'tau kwa' tasted pretty average, but i do like the big portion of the bean curd and the chopped ingredients. Also, if they managed to make the whole dish slightly warmer, it will definitely taste nicer. ;)

          Their chilli is also worth abit of mentioning as i find it’s to be rather special. Their chilli is a special blend, besides the chilli sauce, they have also added in the green chopped chillies. It does not taste like the normal chilli sauce as it appears to be rather watery. Also, it does not have an extremely spicy taste. In fact, i can actually taste some sweetness in them. However, if you would like to have an additional spicy shot, you can taste the green chopped chilli provided in their bowl of chilli.

          As for their laksa, it’s pretty normal. Their laksa is normal, in the sense that it does not have any extraordinary ingredients. Only the normal ingredients such as prawns and 'tau pok' are seen. Personally, find that their laksa gravy is bit too watery for my liking. I would definitely prefer a thicker version of the gravy. A point worth mentioning for their laksa is the substantial amount of prawns. One would be able to find at least 4 prawns in a single bowl of laksa. Believe that this is the most number of prawns that i have eaten in a normal bowl of laksa.

          If you are sick of the normal plain fried ‘tau kwa’, you may wish to try out Mary corner famous ‘tau kwa’.
          Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
          Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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            5. Pizza Pazza   
               25 Nov 2009 at 2:43 pm
            Category: Food Courts
            "Pizza Pazza" is tucked in the Koufu food court at the basement of Anchorpoint. It may look like just any other store in the food court but its never ending queue makes it special and outstanding from the rest. "Pizza Pazza" basically sells pasta and pizza. Its variety for selection is pretty much, so much that it can no longer fit just on the signboard. Instead, they have printed out all their varieties in a menu. Isn’t this special? Imagine having a menu to look through in a food court setting instead of a restaurant.

            Perhaps pizza and pasta would appeal to more westernized customer, but in actual fact, quite a fair bit of their customers were asian. To satisfy (or rather to provide a better customer service) the large volume of customers, "Pizza Pazza" had implemented a numbering system. Customers will basically receive a number upon ordering. When their food is ready, the number will be shown on the signboard to indicate that customers can now collect their food. Personally, i would think that such a system is pretty good as it would not only avoid a long queue outside the store but at the same time, allow customers to have a seat while waiting for their food to be ready.

            They have a few house specialities and these were clearly indicated on the menu itself. This would definitely aid customers to decide on what to have for their meal. I have tried a few different dishes from "Pizza Pazza". One of them would be the 'Chicken Lasagne'. This dish basically has minced chicken bits in between layers of pasta. The mozzarella cheese covered the entire lasagne, making the entire dish tasted pretty cheesy. Personally, i do feel that this dish is too cheesy to my liking. Having eaten a mouthful, i tend to get pretty sick of it. Thus, its definitely not advisable for non-cheese lovers.

            For those who wish to eat some substantial meat, you can choose the chicken cutlet with spaghettis or the chicken chop with spaghettis. Both of these dishes come with substantial pieces of chicken
            meat. Personally, i would prefer the chicken chop due to the way that its being cooked and the mushroom sauce that was drizzled onto the chicken meat. Both dishes also come with a piece of garlic bread, but somehow it was burnt most of the time.

            Personally, i still like the 'Chicken Primaversa' dish in their menu the best. This dish is actually a spaghettis dish cooked in aglio olio style. The spaghettis were mixed with diced chicken thigh meat, mushrooms and some vege. I like the fact that its spaghettis were of a right texture which is not too hard to chew. With the right mixture of ingredients, the end result was a wonderful colour combination. Such combination not only looked appetizing but at the same time, it tasted great as well. This dish do have the standard of a restaurant and with a price tag of below 10 bucks, I do think that money is well spent.
            Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
            Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
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