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wenki's Latest Review
 19 Jan 2010 at 9:47 pm

i went to filmgrade at illuma too. The counters where we have to buy the tickets were very spacious but the airconditioning was freaking cold~~. Next time remember to bring a jacket along if you are going to filmgrade. Relatively new place, so their "equipments" are new so it does not give you the feeling of creeps. I won't really recommend people to go cause the tickets aren't really cheap. However, maybe others can give it a first try? Its quite a cool place and illuma has a spacious area for people to hang out after watching movie.

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wenqi lim

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wenki is a female yebber.

A little about wenki...

Currently a student and loves to dance and keep fit. Have dance opportunities to perform in China, at Singapore very own esplanade and of course with celebrities such as Felicia Chin and Alvin Ng.
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My Comments
On the review for Cathay Cineplex (Downtown East)
  1. wenki
    wenki said:
    i think next time you can try renting a bike from downtown east and bring your kids for night cycling. the sense of acheivement of cycling a distance at night is beyond description
    17 Jan 2010 at 11:26 am
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