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Photos of Night Safari - Hotels &TravelsPhotos of Night Safari - Hotels &Travels

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    » 9 Reviews for “Night Safari ” - Hotels &Travels

  1. intsymoo
     06 Jul 2008 at 2:47 am

    The tram ride was prolly the only highlight of my trip to the Night Safari recently.

    It was an approx 40min affair, which took us on a guided tour to the different parts of the safari. Our guide was a lady with really nice voice, and she provided interesting insights on the animals that we went past.

    It's matter of luck at the Night Safari though, cos some nights the animals might just decide to hide away from view and you wouldn't be able to find them in the dark. I was pretty lucky on my visit, as I managed to see most of the animals without having to go through too many of those "empty enclosures" moments.

    I like the really open concept there, (at some point in time some animals were SO close to us we cld just reach outta the tram and touch them! of cos we didnt, cos' we're obeying visitors :), but the animal show was a tad disappointing for me.

    My advice: end your trip with the tram ride, at least it makes you leave with a more satisfied feeling.

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    1. Angie Goh
       04 Jan 2008 at 12:57 am

      I can't say I am very impressed with Singapore's infamous Night safari. to start with, I think the price for the entrance is steep and as compared to the day zoo, nothing much is happening out there except for the great animal show.

      If you will like to look at animals, go to the Singapore Zoo, thats a much better option for money's worth.

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      1. Polarbear
         18 Oct 2007 at 9:45 am

        Been to Night Safari last month as a surprise for someone special and at the same time Starhub is having a promotion as well. It has been a long time since I had been there as well.

        So took 138 from AMK interchange to reach there, fast and easy. Direct to the gate of Night Safari.

        Once we reach there, we head for the ticketing counter and it was a breeze to buy tickets from the efficient and friendly staff.

        Even before we step into Night Safrai, there is already a tribal show going on in front of the main entrance gate. They were there literaly playing with fire. Attracted a lot of crowd to stand and see them. They perform 3 times a night and definitely do their best to warm up the crowd before entering Night Safrai.

        There is a few options to go when we are in Night Safrai. Me being a planner, decided that we took the tram ride 1st. The tram ride is basically an hour ride around the park, some of the places in Night Safrai is only accessible by the tram only. The presenters on the tram are really good as they correctly managed to remember almost everything in the park and even the names of the animals as well. The ride was fun except for some people that keep letting go of their flashes despite numerous reminders.

        We dropped off at the half way point @ Lepord Trail. Took abt 25 mins to complete and managed to see most of the cats in action (ie moving.) Then took the tram for the 2nd half of the ride. This time round, was brought through a tropical rainforest.

        After reaching the starting point, we headed towards to join the queue for the animal show, Creatures of the Night. Be warned that you better be there 30 mins beore the show starts as the queue is pretty long. A lot of kaisu peopl there already started queueing an hour before the show starts.

        The show was good as all the presenters are very professional and all their animals are well trained as well. OUr show dragged a bit of time as an owl did not cooperate and decided to not to fly down so it took a bit of time to coax him to fly down. It is a must watch show in Night Safari.

        After which, we contiune to walk on the remaining two trails, the Forest Giant trail and walk through a suspension bridge and the Fishing cat trail. Each also can be completed within 25 mins as well.

        We ended the whole trip ard midnight and still managed to take 138 back to AMK interchange.

        It is definitely one of the best attraction in Singapore. Worth to go and check it out.

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