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yummy's Reviews

       30 Mar 2008 at 8:16 pm
    Category: Deli and Cafe
    claud claud says:

    Not as special as I thought

    Before J.Co arrives in this little small dot, I'd read bloggers from across the causeway sharing how good it is and how much they love it. So when I head they've set up their very first outlet at Raffles city, I was delighted! Off I went to try the infamous J.Co donuts.

    When I was there, the queue wasn't as long as I'd expected. Instead the competition nearby, Donut Factory, was having a longer queue than J.Co.

    I joined in the queue and started observing the staff behind the counter. They've in place an ordering system where each staff is incharge of some flavors within the hand-reach. And each customer is given a number for their order. The first staff will ask the quantity you want to buy and get the boxes ready. She's in charge of the first few flavors and will issue you a number when she passes you to the next staff who'll serve you for the rest of the flavors available. When you're done with your selection, you'll then proceed to the cashier where they'll tally your order and collect payment.

    This seem like a systematic and effective way for them. But its not so friendly to some of the customers. Especially if they're there for the first time and not sure of what flavors they want. I would recommend to decide on the flavors and quantity for each before you reach the first staff. This will surely speed up the ordering process.

    Hmm... looks like I've spent more time typing and explaining the process rather than talking about the donuts! Well, because, after tasting almost all the brands of donuts available in Singapore and also those from Krispy Kreme, I find the J.Co is just another brand of donuts. Nothing much to wow about. Other than some of the interesting looking ones with special names for some, there's just nothing much I would comment on. But because this is the only outlet here in Singapore, for now, I'm sure many will still queue to buy some just to get a taste of this sweet indulgence that is still getting the attention for the mass in Singapore.

    As for me, I'll be staying away from these fattening snacks for now. :)

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

    62. Mint Museum Of Toys   
       30 Mar 2008 at 8:00 pm
    Category: Museum
    claud claud says:

    Lovely place with lovely food

    Together with a few Yebbers, we met at mint cafe for an informal gathering. The cafe is cosy and comfy. Located at the basement of mint museum, decorated to the theme of the museum. The cafe is filled with retro looking movie posters and toys. Even the cushion on the seats were printed with robot (if I'd not remembered wrongly). The cafe thou small, house quite a good variety of food.

    Some of us ordered their set lunch at $13.80 and some ordered the tea set at $7.80 .

    There's a few mains that one can choose for their set lunch. And the set comes with soup, main, dessert and drink. As for the tea sets, one can choose any cakes/desserts in the menu and any of the tea/coffee available.

    The soup served was nicely cooked and thick. For my set lunch, I ordered the Crispy Chicken Chop as my main. When it was served, I could smell the aroma coming from the generous piece of chicken. The main was served with mashed potato and side salad. One cut into the chicken and I knew I'm going to love it. Taking my first bite, I could taste the crispy crust and the meat inside was marinated and I love the taste. (Know when I'm writing this, I think this is the same chicken served at the night of Yebber's anniversary! No wonder it tasted familiarly delicious that night. Hot favorite by everyone.)

    The dessert served with my lunch set was a tad too sweet for my liking. Couldn't remember what is its name thou.

    On my other visit to the cafe, I ordered their tea set with Mississippi pie as the dessert. The chocolate mousse covering the layer of chocolate pie was not too sweet and complements the entire pie pretty well. I would recommend to enjoy the pie together with the whipped cream at the side. It's there for a reason. If you are not a whipped cream person, I recommend you try their other selections. Cos the pie gets a little "sick-to-eat" if eaten on its own.

    Will surely be going back for their lunch set if I've the chance to. The spaghetti in their lunch set selection looks nice too.

    After the event at mint, I would personally recommend anyone who's looking for a classy place to host your events at Mint museum. The staff are all very helpful and despite my long-winded conversation and constant reminders, the lady planning the event with me is always friendly and helpful. Thanks Mandy for the wonderful coordination and effort! As for the food, I'm sure many whom attended will agree with me that its good. Right?

    Rating given:Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5Rating: 5 out of 5

    63. Beadyplace   
       20 Mar 2008 at 12:23 am
    claud claud says:

    This is sooo bad of me! I've known Beadyplace for so long and only today I went in to seriously take a look at the things she did!

    I must admit I'm not a fan of accessories. Those who know me will know that the only thing I wear daily are my rings on my fingers. :) But when I saw the accessories this bimbo created, I'm tempted! One of the necklace and a bracelet are very simple and pretty. *hint hint* HAHA!

    Love the simplicity of the designs. Personally I'd tried beading too, but my clumsy and fat fingers do not allow me to do it right. So i gave up.

    This bimbo is a very busy woman, so when she finds time to do her accessories, I'm sure she concentrates 100% and gives good quality stuff. Go check out her blogshop if you're shopping for some gifts for your gfs. :)

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    64. Tommy Print   
       17 Mar 2008 at 12:27 am
    Category: Photo and Print
    claud claud says:

    Good service. But not so good product.

    I chanced upon this printer while shopping at Funan. (I rarely go there you see) The thing that attracted me was their photo book. I'd always wanted to make a professional looking book of photos. (almost similar to coffee table book you see at weddings)

    The pricing was pretty steep for the photo book, so I've yet tried getting one. But beside this product, they do namecard printing too. At just $24 for 2 boxes and $30 for 3 boxes, I thought it was quite a good deal (since the last time I printed cost me $35 for 3 boxes). So I went back another day to print my personal namecards.

    There were 2 ladies at the counter when I was there. One was quite friendly while the other was quite cold. There were a few people there wanting to get their stuff printed, and all were waiting for the friendly lady to serve them. The other cold one was busy doing her own things behind the counter.

    I was supposed to collect my namecard on a Monday as I sent it for print on Tuesday evening. (Usually they take 4 working days to print namecards) But as I had something on Friday, I called them up on Friday to check if my cards were ready. I was very happy to be able to get it earlier than expected.

    So I went to collect my cards on Friday, but didn't check the cards properly before I left. When I reached home, I realised that the cards were dirty! It looks like the blade used to cut the cards were not cleaned, and it left ugly and sticky marks on the sides of my cards. About half of the box was damaged. (Pls view photo attached with this review)

    Perhaps I'm just one of those unlucky customers who got dirtied namecards. Next time I must check all the cards before I leave the place.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

       12 Mar 2008 at 2:07 am
    Category: Steakhouses
    Helmet Helmet says:

    We went there on a Saturday night for a birthday celebration. We thought it might be crowded and place a booking before we go. As usual, we were late and we thought the people from the restaurant will call to remind us or even cancel our booking. To my supprise, no one called.
    When we arrived, we leave the car to the valet since we were late without knowing it cost $10 for the one and half parking.

    I was expecting a restaurant with nice ambience because I can see there are few restaurant crowded with people and live performances. Unforetunately, this one turn out to be very normal. It is divided into 3 sections, 1 outdoor and 2 indoor. We selected the indoor section.

    The seat is rather uncomfortable and the counter is just next to our seat. We ordered some steak, salad, sandwiches and drinks. We asked for a well done and a medium rare. We waited quite long for our food to be served. First we were served with the well done steak followed by the medium rare steak after 10 minutes interval. And we have to ask the waiter what happen to the sandwich before we were being served. The medium rare steak turn out to be rare.

    It was not very crowded and I do not think it should take so long for our food to be served and I also do not think the blackened steak worth $34. I believe there are better steaks from other fast food chain.

    The total damage is about $180 for 4 person. It is not a disaster but we did not enjoy the food.

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

       10 Mar 2008 at 11:57 pm
    Helmet Helmet says:

    This is a typical Hakka style Yong Tau Fu. The restaurant is equipped with very old aircon and big fan. Not sure whether the aircon is functioning because you can hardly feel the cool air. For sure the fan is working because you can feel the irritating wind blowing.

    Enter the door, you will see the cashier and kitchen right infront and a few big round tables. Once you get seated, the man will come and take order assuming you are familiared with the dishes. The man taking the order is quite elderly,
    is not rude but rather very 'beng'. He did not introduce what is available and simply ask $6 or $8 and do you want the side dish? It took me a while to realise it is standard order of $4, $6 or $8 and there is also no selection of items. The standard items inclusive of Tofu, Chilli, Tau Pok, Bitter Gourd and fried bean curb skin, of course, they are all stuffed with minced meat or fish.

    Although there are not much variety, I like the way it is being served, very traditional. Unlike most Yong Tau Fu, the bittergroud is not so hard and 'green' in color. It is soft and is stuffed with very big portion of minced meat or fish. When you bite on it, you don't feel bitter at all.

    The Tofu is also stuffed with big portion of minced meat, it is very soft too. It taste very nice especially when it is dipped into the traditional chilli and sweet saurce. It seem that the Chilli saurce and sweet saurce play a very important role in the Yong Tau Fu business.

    The big Green and Red Chilli are not spicy at all. It is basically the chilli skin stuffed with minced meat.

    The side order is the Shuan Pang Zi and Yu San. The Shuan Pang Zi is a very typical Hakka dish which is rarely available nowadays. The Yu San is also another nice and healthy dish which I will try on another day.

    Another thing I forgot to mention is that the Yong Tau Fu is only served in dried style. So, if you are looking for something simple, nice and fast, this might be a good choice for your next meal.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    67. IT Show   
       07 Mar 2008 at 10:47 am
    claud claud says:

    Don't go if you don't have anything to buy!

    I went to the IT Show yesterday after 7pm, and as expected, everyone headed down on the first day too, in hope to avoid the even massive jam over the weekend.

    I did a survival guide for those who's visiting IT Show. If you're keen to read, please go to my blog.

    One concern I have at such a crowded event... what IF there's an emergency? I wonder how will they evacuate that many people within the shortest time possible. But I'm sure the organisers would have all these planned and ironed out long ago.

    Everyone knew that the place is going to be packed, but still everyone still wants to go check out the prices. Why? Cos they always have very good bundles and discounts at the show. Especially for those who hate shopping and comparing prices at so many stalls around Sim Lim or Funan, shows like this is the easiest for them. Perhaps the price is not the cheapest, but with a little more, you get whole lot of goodies. So why not right?

    Have you gone to the show too? Did you get anything there?

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       05 Mar 2008 at 3:48 pm
    claud claud says:

    1/2 Price Tuesday! So 1/2 the menu and service too?

    Felt like having waffles yesterday so I met my girlfriend for dinner at Gelare. The last time I went, the mushroom cream pasta was pretty shiok. But yesterday our experience was in fact, very bad.

    This outlet at Hougang Mall is pretty small and getting a table for 4 wasn't easy. After 20mins of waiting outside, finally we got our table. They've now improved on their menu and there were many choices that looks quite good. Since we were there for the waffles and pasta, we didn't get distracted. We wrote our orders on the order sheet provided at every table and went to the cashier to place our order.

    While waiting in the queue, I realised that the ice cream choice we wanted wasn't available. And thus I tried to remember whatever that's there and walked back to the table to check with my friends. By then, I've already forgotten 80% of the choices available. Had to walk all the way back to check again and then back to the table to change our orders. Statisfied with our choice of ice cream for our waffles, we got back to the queue and when its our turn, the cashier told us that they had run out of mushroom cream pasta!!! (They could have indicated somewhere or inform us when they cleared the table right?) My friend had to walk back to our table and check what we want to change our pasta to, and then we changed our order AGAIN and joined the queue AGAIN!

    We ended walking back and forth for about 5 times before we placed our orders with the cashier!

    Our pasta was served first and one look at it I lost my appetite. We ordered tomato seafood pasta, the pasta looked pathetic with the little amount of sauce that only managed to cover 1/3 of the pasta for mine and 1/2 of the pasta for my friends'. We were too hungry to complain and so we just went ahead with what was given.

    After our pasta, we stayed to chat while waiting for the waffles which was finally served after more than 30 mins! We did indicate to serve our waffles later, aka after we're done with our pasta, but not till that late.

    Very disappointed about yesterday's experience. Guess I'll just forget about the pasta and just go for their waffles the next time.

    Rating given:Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5Rating: 2 out of 5

    69. The Singapore Flyer   
       03 Mar 2008 at 4:36 pm
    claud claud says:

    I had a chance to take a ride on the Singapore Flyer before it was officially opened to public. I was very very excited and was looking forward to the flight. I was there at night and as it was not open to public yet, there wasn't much people there. The flyer was lighted in blue neon color at night and gives a very dreamy feeling at night.

    Everyone has to pass through a security check, like at the customs, before entering the boarding area. To get to the flyer itself takes abit of walking and couple of escalator. And before stepping onto the boarding platform, everyone will enter into a mock up of the capsule where photos will be taken. ($15 for the first photo, $10 for subsequent copies.) This photo is supposed to be superimposed into the back drop and show as if we took it while riding on the Singapore Flyer. You can buy the photo after the flight with the magnetic tag passed to you at the mock up photo taking area.

    Finally we saw the capsule! Boarding the capsule can be rather tricky. It continues to move as everyone rushed up to get into the capsule before the boarding period passes. I wonder if they carter for handicaps entrance. Probably they'll have to stop the moving flyer for such boardings. The capsule was not as big as I’d imagined. 24 of us standing around the capsule already seemed rather packed and it was rather warm inside the capsule. Can't imagine hot hot it might be in the day when the sun is above.

    The view from the top of the capsule was magnificent. You get to see the beautiful skyline from high above. It's recommended that you move around the capsule and enjoy the entire 360-degree view. If you are planning to take photos, its advisable to bring a tripod and set it up before you're 1/4 way up the flight. The glass used isn't suitable for photo taking with flash. So you'll have to have very steady hands or use flash and missed out the beautiful backdrop in the background of your photo.

    I'll probably return for another flight when the construction of Marina Bay is complete. Now only one side has got good view.

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       03 Mar 2008 at 4:36 pm
    Category: Mexican, Steakhouses
    claud claud says:

    The first impression I got when I stepped into the cafe is the use of bright colors and 2 huge Jalapeno plushie on display at the capsule display near the entrance. There's a row of booth seats thats great for big group gatherings. Very cosy place to chill out and enjoy the night with friends.

    As I was there for an event, I didn't get to take a look at their menu. Everyone was served a sampler plate with fried calamari, wedges, soft burrito and some jalapeno-liked thing with stuffings. I like the fried calamari as it was tasty and crispy. Would surely order this if I go back again. And the jalapeno was as flavorful, not sure wat's inside the stuffing thou as I was too hungry to slowly taste and analyzes them.

    Perhaps Yebbers can arrange a gathering there? Hmm...

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

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