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sakurrin's Reviews

       19 Jan 2008 at 10:51 pm
    Category: American, Fast Food
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    Introducing.. the New Cripsy Thin Pizza Delight Meal!

    $25 for 2-3 pax, choice of 2 soups of the day or salads, 1 regular Cripsy Thin Pizza with choice of 7 toppings selection), choice of 2 beverages (iced lemon tea or peach tea/soft drink)

    Tay and me tried the Cripsy thin pizza from Pizza Hut because we haven had it before, obviously we had hawailian, and notice one slice of pizza is not there? Cos i forgot to take the picture when it came, and that slice end up in Tay stomach alr. lol

    Hmm.. hawailian pizza is my fav, toppings of ham, pineapple, cheese makes it good anyday. But the problem with cripsy thin pizza is its really thin, and the price is the same as the normal pizzas from Pizza Hut. Since the ingredient for making the cripsy thin pizza (so much thinner) is less, how come the price is the same? Anyway, its not really as filling as the normal pizza. But i think Pizza Hut came up with cripsy thin pizza because Canadian Pizza does thin pizza (according to tay, don’t quote me!)

    Spicy Drumlets! Always the must-have when you visit KFC, we add-on for this @ $2.80

    All in all, although Pizza Hut Cripsy thin pizza are a new experience, it is unlikely i will try them again, prefer the thick crust pizza! But after eating at more expensive places, i come to find pizza hut is rather cheap, so i will most likely go back often for pizzas. Cheers! Service-wise, they could be faster, have to stand up to catch the waiter attention to order and for the bill. Total bill adds up to $32 for two person.

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

       19 Jan 2008 at 6:50 pm
    Category: Seafood
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    No Signboard Restaurant, chinese name is Wu Zhao Pai. I used to though it was Pepper-Brand (hu jiao pai) because my mom always pronouce it that way. Haha. Well well, when u think of No Signboard Restaurant (NSB), this is only one thing that straight away comes to your mind. Crabs! Naturally, their restaurant logo already told you that, the logo is a big crab.

    Frequent No Signboard many times already, always go there for the crabs. My family prefer the white pepper crab over chilli, although sometimes we will have a combination, half pepper half chilli. What to say? Crabs are their speciality, not much place are their half in doing crabs. Although i am not a crab-lover, but their crab won me over.

    Geylang branch is not air-con, by the roads of red-district (you-know-what), yet we went today on tue, its fully crowded. By 7pm every table is full, so prior reservations are recommended

    The Must-have at NSB! White-pepper crab, their crabs are really one class above the rest, first bite into the meat of the crab, you can really tell the difference, the meat is firm and hard, not like those normal one u know? One Kg at NSB is $35, ours is abt 1.5kg coming at $50. Definitely better than Jumbo or any other place! 5 out of 5

    Lobster! I luuvve lobster! But then the lobster here is not so good, mayb its because its local breed lobster, not air-flown from Australia. Look, i am not a sucker for overseas stuff, but then the overseas lobster really do taste better than local one. Price of cos got difference, the local one is $7 per 100 gram. This lobster is abt 700g, costing abt $49. Hmm.. eat salad lobster two times a bit no feeling already, next time must try other type of lobster.

    Sambal Kangkong ($6), one of the more popular vegetables commonly found in restaurants and zi-char place, the one here i find it a bit too dry, some place cook it too wet and some do it too dry.

    Fried-chicken Wings ($6 for 4). Decent chicken wings, nothing to shout about.

    Malay Mee Goreng ($7), Wanted to try this to compare with the one at Jumbo, but this one really lose to Jumbo two hands. Too dried, i prefer Mee Goreng wet wet one, nice! So pls try the one at Jumbo. Also, i wanted to order small $5 one, but i nv say anything and the waitress asume i want the medium one, end up having too much to finish. But still at $7 the serving is a lot bigger than the one at Jumbo although not as nice

    After our meal, they provide everyone with dessert, free! haha. But its just have one logang. No Signboard restaurant definitely is one of the best restaurants in Singapore to have crab, you can’t compare it with those very high end restaurants, but with seafood restaurants and zi-char, i feel its one of the best around. Service wise, the staff at Geylang Branch is quite good, they are friendly, not impatient while waiting for us to make up our mind on ordering, and serves food really really fast. Total bill is $130.73 for 4 person

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       19 Jan 2008 at 6:37 pm
    Category: Japanese
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    Sun with Moon is a pretty cool name for a restaurant, Sun with Moon @ Central is the second outlet, with its sister outlet @ Wheelock place. The name of the restaurant may implies that they offers everything under the Sun - and the Moon. Indulge in the pleasure of superb Japanese dining as the welcome breeze greets you at Sun with Moon @ Central. Charming at day and stunning at night, the outlet at Central located on the ground floor facing the Singapore river, offers diner a full view of the river with its clear glass walls and mirrors.

    The set lunch menu is acknowledged to be value for money considering the fact that the same items for set lunch are cheaper than dinner (no set dinner menu). The food at the restaurant is not expensive, with $12 (cheapest) for a set lunch, but the serving is not really big, so for big-eaters a set lunch may not suffice. Nevertheless, like its sister restaurant, Sun with Moon @ Wheelock, the menu at Sun with Moon @ Centralfeatures a selection of both traditional and modern Japanese dishes, and stays true to their philosophy of using only the finest ingredients for their culinary creations.

    Went for lunch on fine sunday afternoon for cousins gathering. The set lunch menu starts from 12 noon and end at 230pm, from 230pm to 630pm, they offer the cafe menu which has considerately less main course, and mostly are desserts, cocktails, mocktails, flavoured beers, fine wines and premium sake.

    Tonkatsu & potato salad ($13.50). Tonkatsu in the hands of less competent chef could become too dry and hard, but the one at Sun is done just nicely, cripsy and not too dry. Coupled with the sauce, the first bite of the meat makes you want to finish it all 4 out of 4

    Chicken Teriyaki & California roll set ($14.80), all the lunch set meal here also comes with pickled vege, soup and tea/coffee. Like the one at Wheelock, chicken teriyaki place on hot plate was simply good. The california roll which comes with the Chicken Teriyaki is really yummy, i was really tempted to order a separate plate at $10.50 5 out of 5

    Saba & Oden ($12.50) rice with grilled mackerel. The fish was quite tasty, but the complaint is too many small bones which makes it difficult to eat. 3.5 out of 5

    Mini tori chicken set ($9.30) - rice with chicken cooked in the pot which you have to time with a sand hour glass, stir upon time’s up. Looks quite good, but the serving a tad too small. 3 out of 5

    Sun with Moon may not offer fine-dining, but as a casual and fun dining experience, it works for me. Having been to both branches, personally i feel that Sun with Moon @ Wheelock warms up to me more. Reason being i feel that i at more comfortable at Wheelock than at Central. Not that the one at Central is not good, it’s just the feel you know? Despite that, Sun with Moon @ Central, you have the river view thrown in as a bonus. Total bill is $49.65 for four person after discount. I used the 15% discount coupon given to me during my last visit to Sun with Moon @ Wheelock. Ladyironchef still rates Sun with Moon @ Central five stars because i like the modern yet traditional decorations, and the effort in presenting the food to diners.

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       19 Jan 2008 at 6:31 pm
    Category: Steakhouses
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    After dinner at Miss Carity Cafe, we ended up at Hog’s breath. We ordered two glass of ice lemon tea and coke at $5.80 each, they are fillable which means we can have as many glass as we want. We also ordered Finger food combo (buffalo wings, fried chicken, baked potato skin) because we can’t just sit there whole night only order two glass of drinks? ( :

    The spicy-sweet sauce and the tartar sauce is good, the combo cost $17.95. Total bill for watching the boring FA Cup is $34.45 for 3 person. Had a quick glance at Hog’s menu, most of the food price range is in the high $10s to $20s. There is a dessert called mud pie which seems quite good, and many of the other diners had it, so i guess its quite good.

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

       19 Jan 2008 at 6:27 pm
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    Miss Clarity Cafe at Purvis Street is unlike your normal restaurant, in fact it looks more like a children restaurant. The decorations and even the menu are so kiddy, but the food is not that at all. Good food at reasonable price sums it all. The diners are Mister Ang, Mister ong and me. Earlier in the afternoon i had tried to make a reservation but they say that all are booked, and walk-ins are left. Because they keep half of the place for reservation and half for walk-in. Anyway, when we reach it was close to full house, but we did manage to get our seats immediately.

    All of us choose a main and add on $3 for an additional salad/soup, drink (barley/lime), and a dessert of the day. The starter salad was quite good it starts our meal up, but the salad dressing was a tad too little

    Chicken Cordon Bleu ($8.80) - deep fried breaded chicken breast stuffed with ham & cheese, served with tartar sauce and potato/vege as side dish. The cordon bleu was not as good as the one i had at the french stall few weeks ago, i think the main reason is because the french stall use chicken drumstick while this one is chicken breast. Nevertheless, it is quite good, just that i had a better one at french stall before 3.5 out of 5

    Chicken Bollorine ($8.80) - oven baked chicken thigh stuffed with fresh mushroom, drenched with mushroom sauce. Thigh was done quite nicely, the comment was the mushroom stuffed inside the chicken was too much! Mister ong gets a bit sick of eating so many mushroom. lol! 3.5 out of 5

    Black Pepper Crispy Chicken ($7.50) - breaded chicken thigh cooked till golden brown & drenched with clarity’s special black pepper sauce. The chicken was quite crispy, but because it is drenched with the pepper sauce, after a while the crispy skin becomes soaky. Guess it will be better if they can put the sauce by the side, or you just have to finish it fast. 3.5 out of 5

    Desserts of the day - crepes with cream, but seems to be more like popiah with cream ( :

    Total bills add up to $34.10 for 3 person, no GST charged, no service charge. All the dishes get 3.5 and none above 4 because i feel that there is nothing spectacular. But i will definitely go back again if i am in the area. Why? For a simple meal at affordable prices, you can’t eat very good food everyday u know? Sometimes just keep it simple. At clarity, they do it simple and good.

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    286. Red Star Restaurant   
       19 Jan 2008 at 4:52 pm
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    Red Star is a very old, conventional chinese restaurant, located at chin swee road (some way behind people’s park). Its at level 7 of a old building just above the chin swee HDB office. Funny place to have a restaurant you will say, but when we reach there at 1pm, it is fully crowded. Having been to Red Star when i was young many many years back, i was relatively surprise when my colleagues want to go to Red Star for our farewell lunch. Red Star is still going strong after so many years.

    A traditional Chinese Dim-sum restaurant with the trolley-pushing the dim-sum around, the waitress will push the trolley around with the dim-sum. Nowadays most dim sum restaurants does not do that anymore, it is usually ticking off the form of what dim-sum you want, and the waitress will bring it to you.

    We had egg tarts, har-gau, siew-mai, cheong fun, char shao siew, glutinous rice in lotnus leaf, fried bean curd, fried prawn rolls, steamed pork ribs, century egg congee. The dim sum is quite good and simple. For desserts we had mango puddings and gui lin gao. No pictures were taken cos i did not bring my ixus with me.

    Between the 9 of us, we had 41 plates of dim-sum, total bill comes up to $161.40 for nine person, which is like $18 for one person. Price quite reasonable i guess, each plate of dim-sum is about $2.80. Service-wise, it can be faster, but mayb there is too much people so they took a bit slower. We were like staring at each other waiting for more dim-sum to come.

    You are always welcome to visit for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       15 Jan 2008 at 8:48 pm
    Category: Steakhouses
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    Phin’s steakhouse isn’t the usual steakhouse you will expect with classy environment, expensive decor, pretty plates. Situated at Liang Seah place (behind Bugis Parco Junction), its on a street with small eatery and restaurants around. The place itself does not have air-con, decor are average, but they serve good steaks at good price.

    Steaks in the hand of less-skillful chefs will turn out to be catastrophe, but not at Phin’s. Although i am not a great fan of red meat, but Phin’s steak won me over. The irresistable succulent nz air flown steaks are serve on signature hot plate with baked potato and seasonal vegetables.

    Diners can choose from Sirlon, Ribeye, Tenderloin, with different sizes like ladies cut, gentlemen cut, humongous cut (with ladies cut cheapest & humongous cut most expensive). In addition, the choice of sauces on the steak is also accord to each delight, with the usual sauce like pepper, mushroom, to some unique sauce like garlic, sambal, honey mustard, and wild mushroom.

    Although Phin’s a steakhouse, but it also offer other western food like chicken fillet, fish & chips, lamb, seafood. There is the combo set for 2 person, i saw a particular set which interest me, there is a combo of chicken, fish, lamb and steak serving for two. But maz and i decided on ordering two sirlon steak (gentlemen cut) at $14.90 each. Not feeling too adventurous, i had the safe yet good pepper sauce, while maz tried the wild mushroom.

    For starters. we had Escargot baked in cheese and wine ($9.90), coming in servings of half a dozen. There is another escargot with garlic ($7.90), but we decided to try the more expensive one. Hmm.. this is the second time i had escargot and the feeling is exactly as the first time. Not very snail-like, rather it taste quite like the shell-type food? O well

    Sirlon steak with pepper sauce (medium raw). The steak was good, meat was succulent and tender. It came with healthy servings of sides like vege, corn and a whole potato. Boy o boy, just eating the potato makes me full ( :

    Sirlon steak with wild mushroom sauce (medium raw). N’uff say, only difference was the sauce, quality is the same. The wild mushroom sauce is quite unique as we didn’t expect it to be in this colour. 4.5 out of 5

    Maz had new zealand natural mango ice-cream ($2.90) for desserts, i was too full so i skipped desserts. By and large, Phin’s is a good place for good and affordable steak. Well, being a steakhouse, its steak can’t be that bad right? Not too sure about the other dishes beside steak, but i saw the other diners having the combo and it looks good. Service-wise i suppose it is quite good, the waitress are friendly and re-filled our iced water very fast. I always felt that Bugis junction does not have much to eat, now knowing Liang Seah place is just behind, rest assured the next time you go Bugis. Total bill comes up to $49.20 for two person.

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    " Phin's - We'll make it Well-Done "

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

    288. Fishermen’s Wharf   
       15 Jan 2008 at 8:31 pm
    Category: American
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    The time: 7pm. The diners: Me, Wee hong, Hong yi & friends. The place: Fisherman’s Wharf. The food: Fish & Chips

    Well well, i had great expectations for Fisherman’s wharf, having heard rave reviews on its fish & chips, we were left slightly disappointed when we left the place. Fisherman wharf is directly opposite the new Central Mall. From Central u can see the signboard of fisherman wharf because the current construction of the overhead bridge is blocking the view of the restaurant. The place do not have air-con, its free seating and pls self-service by going to the counter to order.

    The thing with fisherman wharf is that all the fish are priced at different price, but most of them looks the same. Try comparing all the fish we ordered and see whether you can spot which is which. All the fish comes with generous servings of chips or fries, but i would prefer for some salad, vege or coleslaw. On a note, 2 of us had fries, while the other 3 had chips. In the end, only 2 of us enjoy the side dish, so you know what to order huh? ( :

    Silver Cod Fillet ( $14.00) with fries.

    North. Atlantic Cod Loin ($16.00) with fries. Its the most ex fish at Fisherman Wharf, but the tastes and the looks quite similar to silver cod fillet.

    Garoupa Fillet ($12.50) with chips.
    Snow Fish ($15.00) with chips. Comment was not very nice, try something else.

    Snow Fish ($15.00) with chips. Comment was not very nice, try something else.

    Lemon Sole Fillet ($14.00) with chips. Very similar to silver cod fillet and north atlantic cod, but the taste is a bit different. The fish crumbed very easily, making it difficult to eat.

    I am not lying, all the fishes look about the same, with the generous helping of chips, fries ana tartar sauce. Seriously if they didn’t tell us which is which, we wont know the fishes. I read that someone compared Greenwood Bistro to Fisherman Wharf, in my personal opinion, there is totally no way to compare. Greenwood bistro fish albeit being more expensive at the range of $17 to $20 , but it offers a lot more different quality fish, different style of cooking the fish, and a healthy servings of chips and vege. Furthermore, the ambience at Greenwood and Fisherman Wharf is different. Greenwood is a restaurant, while Fisherman’s is more like Long John Silver - fast food outlet. Mayb its because my expectation is too high before i went, therefore i am more disapointed.

    But our conclusion is, go for the set lunch at $9.50 which comes with fish & chips, and drink. If not, for dinner just order the normal cream dory fillet at $6.50. No offend to any Fisherman’s Wharf lovers out there, this is just my personal opinion.

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    " Aren't the fishes all the same? "

    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5Rating: 3 out of 5

    289. The French Stall   
       15 Jan 2008 at 8:13 pm
    Category: French
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    Went with cousin to try some authentic french food. Its a 5 min walk from Farrer Park mrt station. Located just by the main road, no air-con people, so its not your normal posh restaurant where you have to wear formal clothes there, t-shirt and jeans will do. Although its a weekday, but after 7pm, the restaurant was almost full, and they do not have my rule number one, no reservations, so you just have to reach there early i guess.

    We took a while before deciding what to eat. There is the set meal going at $14.80, with a starter, Main course, and dessert. But for this set meal, there is only three types of main course available, dory filet, chicken leg, and pork chop. Not fancy by neither three main course, we decided not to order this set meal.

    We had the exec steak set meal ($22.80) which comes with a starter soup, Steak as Main course, and Dark chocolate cake as dessert. Ok, for the steak, done medium raw with potato as side. Steak was tender, i do not eat beef often, so according to my cousin it was quite good, not the best but good enough. 4.5 out of 5

    Instead of having the starter soup, we “upgraded” it to Escargots!! Snails if you put it in laid-man terms. Lol. Top up $5 to get half a dozen snails, it cost $8 if you order it as a starter. Hmm.. Escargots was special? Since we never had it before, nothing to compare against, but having tried it for the first time, its quite good, i mean not snail-like as you think. It was cook with garlic, so the garlic cover any snail-smell there is. Not bad, if you never tried before, do try. 4 out of 5

    The other main course we had was Pork cordon bleu loin ($12.80). The tender meat had mushroom sauce spray on it and with cheese & ham inside the pork, the bite was simply delicious. Must have been one of the best pork cordon bleu i ever had. Also come with side dish of potato. At just $12.80, its really a steal, but they do not have this in their set meal which was a pity. I feel this is a must-try dish at The French Stall. 5 out of 5

    Total bill comes up to $47.30 for two person. There’s the service charge, gst, and cess to factor in. The lady boss was quite friendly, had a talk with her while paying the bill. And she told me that they are hiring waiter or waitress. So if anyone out there want a job, this is the job for you to taste french food everyday. Overall, The French Stall is a good place to go, simply for the fact that there isn’t that many french restaurants around at a decent price. Food is good, price is reasonable, so what are you waiting for?

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    " Ahh.. the French, the language, the romance, and of course the food "

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

       15 Jan 2008 at 8:05 pm
    Category: Japanese
    ladyironchef ladyironchef says:

    Modern Decor, Value for money and delicious set lunch, what more do you want? As usual rule no one, i made a reservation in advance, so no need to wait, the waitress promptly brought us to our cosy seat. The seats here are what i called good seats as compared to Jap Dining Sun. The waitress was polite, and also reminded us to watch the small stairs. At 12.30, it was close to full house. Menu was not as extensive as Waruku or even Jap Dining Sun, but the set lunch menu are really value for money. More than enough to order.

    Chicken Teriyaki & California roll set ($14.80), all the lunch set meal here comes with pickled vege, soup and tea/coffee. The chicken teriyaki place on hot plate was simply good. The california roll is really yummy, not those type you have at Sake sushi. Really nothing to grumble about, mayb more california roll? haha perfect score 5 out of 5

    Sukiyaki & Tomato salad ($17.50) which was beef, vege, egg in hot pot, something like a mini steamboat. Beef was quite good, but very few piece only. Well, cant really expect them to give so much beef like chicken. 4 out of 5

    Overall, nothing to complain about, If you haven been to Sun with Moon, make yr move fast man. I suspect Sun with Moon will become my fav restaurant soon, and i will be visiting them a few times one month at least. lol. Anyway, after paying the bill which comes to $37.65 for two person, they gave me dining coupons for their newly open branch at Central. 15% off food, and 2 free drinks which can be beer, house red/white wine, or soft drink. Confirm guarantee plus chop will use it to try the food at Central soon. I highly recommend you to go to Sun with Moon for its value for money set lunch, mayb not so often for dinner (no set meals more ex), and i think Sun with Moon is better than its sister restaurant Japanese Dining Sun. So Sun with Moon Central next week anyone? Haha

    You are always welcome to visit Ladyironchef for a full-up on this trip. Whatever written above are my geniune feelings expressed in words that may be subjected to my personal distortion or bias. Please do not feel emotional or distress should you have any violent objections. Kindly click the little X at the upper, extreme right of your screen if negative adjectives would be derived. Otherwise, feel free to furnish me with comments, may it be positive or negative : )

    " Perfect Sun "

    Rating given:Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5Rating: 4 out of 5

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