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claud's Reviews

       07 Aug 2008 at 3:58 pm
    Category: Japanese
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    "Curry so Good"

    Just opened at basement of Plaza Singapura on August 1st. This is the place to go for quick takeaway meals. They offer curry rice and curry udon sets where you can choose to have the curry mild or spicy. They also sell bento set which includes potato salad, vegetable sald, rice, fukujinzuke (japanese pickles) and takuan (japanese radish).

    Mum bought 2 sets for dinner last night. Seafood Croquette Curry Udon Set ($5.90) and Ebi Unagi Bento Set ($8.90).

    We had the sets an hour later when we reached home. The food was not too cold for consumption yet. It was still a little warm when we ate the food.

    Mum's first verdict after tasting the rice in her bento set "Not nice!" The rice didn't have the usual stickiness of japanese rice and was tasteless. Not even taste of the usual rice fragrant. But the ebi and unagi was still acceptable. Though we felt that the unagi was a tad too small. The salads that came with the bento set was not bad. Nothing to wow about.

    The Curry Udon was still alright for me. I don't recall tasting any japanese curry recently and have forgotten how it should taste like. But this one has quite a strong smell which I don't really enjoy. The seafood croquette was quite sad. There was only a small piece of prawn in it. I remembered the lady told me its a mixed of seafood. But I couldn't taste any.

    Overall I feel that the food was not up to standard. Perhaps they're still new in such creations. Hope they'll improve as they gain more experience. Will probably give it another try few months later.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of Rating: 2 out of
    Comments on this review:
    1. $money$
      $money$ said:
      Jap curry not popular in spore, though I really like the not spicy type. This price sounds cheap ($5.90) for PS.... Try out the food court stall in Lau Pa Sat which sells curry rice at $4.50
      08 Aug 2008 at 12:55 pm
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    22. Village Wok   
       24 Jul 2008 at 4:44 pm
       vw-entrance.jpg   vw-popiah.jpg   vw-platter.jpg   vw-prawns.jpg   vw-dessert.jpg
    DIY Popiah anyone?

    I love making my own popiahs! My grandma used to host Popiah party for us. As we grow up, everyone is too busy with work and stuff, we've not have any popiah party for long time. Now I've found the place to go for our next family dinner! Village Wok serves DIY Popiah Set! How cool is that? The set comes with all the necessary condiments, ingredients and the power chili. Love it! The popiah skin was neither too thin nor thick, just nice to wrap up all the yummy ingredients without having to worry that the skin will give way when bitten into.

    Dishes ordered include the Village Smoked Chicken with BBQ Pork, Deep Fried Crystal Prawns in Light Wasabi Sauce, XO Crispy Tofu, Brinjal in BXO Sauce, Vegetarian Ee Mee and Pulat Hitam with Coconut Gelato ice-cream.

    The Smoked Chicken served with their special ginger dip was quite tasty. Personally would prefer the meat to be softer thou. But still passable.

    Wasabi prawns is deep fried and topped with very light wasabi sauce. As a fan of wasabi, this would attract me more if the sauce was more powerpack. This dish is best eaten while its still hot. The outer fried layer become slightly tough when I had my second piece when the dish has cooled off.

    XO Crispy Tofu was good. Homemade tofu was soft and the XO sauce served on the side adds flavor to it. Simple yet tasty.

    Fried Brinjal with Crispy Squid is not a vegetable which most would enjoy. But the ones at Village Wok managed to convince my friend to give it a go. He quite enjoyed it and even had quite a few pieces. Their special BXO sauce gives this purple vegetable a new life. The sauce was sweet and the crispy squid topping gives it a crunchy texture.

    The Vegetarian Ee Mee was nice. There was plentiful of golden mushrooms which give the dish more texture when chewing the noodles. Sauce was not too thick nor saltish. Just nice to my liking.

    The lunch ended with a refreshing glass of pulut hitam (black glutinous rice) with gelato coconut ice-cream. It gave a beautiful closure to the meal. Will surely order this when I return.

    I was told that they've a special dish - Cold Crab with Special Vinaigrette Sauce. We'd wanted to try it, but this is a by-reservation-only dish. Must remember to place my order the next time I go. It looks pretty good. And Village Wok creates and uses only their own in-house brand of sauces and dips.
    Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
    Rating given:Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of Rating: 3 out of
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         10 Jul 2008 at 11:39 pm
      Category: Hawker Centres
      This Chi Zhar stall is very ulu lah! Hidden right at the corner of the estate, it's not easy to spot! There are many other coffee shops and eateries around that area, and every one of them were packed to the rim this evening. Hoping I got to the right place, finally I found this tiny stall hidden at the back of this quiet coffee shop.

      It was Mum's birthday and we decided to give this place a try. Am glad that Mum enjoyed it, but I got "bitten" by the crab! My upper right lips hurts. Ok, nuff of whining, so what's good about this place?

      We ordered "3 Glass Chicken", Claypot Seafood Tofu, Stout Pork Ribs, "Hei Zhou" (prawn roll like dish) and the highly recommended Jin Sha Xie (Golden Sand Crab) and fried Man Tou. Total bill came up to $108. All the dishes were the biggest portion one. (But it wasn't THAT big after all.)

      The "3 Glass Chicken" was too dry and the meat was too tough. But the outside of the chicken was rather tasty.

      Claypot Seafood Tofu was not bad. There were tofu, cuttlefish, sliced fish, vegetables and carrots. The sauce was not too thick nor diluted. Just nice to go with plain rice.

      I didn't eat the pork ribs so I don't know how it tastes.

      "Hei Zhou" was pretty good. Fried to the right texture and its crispy and flavorful.

      Star of the night was the Golden Sand Crab. Dad picked up one bigger and one medium size crabs. The crab was not the freshiest, as there wasn't any sweetness to the meat. But there was plenty of meat in the crabs. The best part was the sauce! As described by Reiko and Lucardia, the sauce is very well prepared. It was creamy, milky and spicy! Great with man tou and I couldn't stop dipping my crab meat in the sauce before every mouthful. The entire plate was cleared (almost spotless) at the end of dinner! Will go back just for the crab when I'm around the area.
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. feizhu
        feizhu said:
        Oh no.. another $35/kg crab :P
        11 Jul 2008 at 8:58 am
      2. Lucardia
        Lucardia said:
        I'll say it again: I told you so.
        11 Jul 2008 at 9:14 am
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         06 Jul 2008 at 1:03 pm
      Category: Steakhouses
      Happened to be on the 4th floor of The Cathay yesterday. And happened to see a familiar sign at the corner. It was Astons Specialties! They've just opened this new outlet on Friday, 4 July 2008.

      Am very happy to see that they had keep the price and no service charge policy at this new outlet although its in town. The place is very clean and simple. No fancy decor. Just monochromatic pictures on the walls, and simple and comfy tables and chairs neatly aligned. There is also outdoor sittings which wasn't set-up yet when I was there. (It's only day 2 of their operations!) There's also the familiar chalkboard with the day's special written on it.

      Feeling hungry at 4pm, as I didn't eat anything since that morning, I ordered the Prime Ribeye X'tra Cut with fries and pasta salad ($16.50), and a glass of ice lemon tea ($1.80).

      The fries was crispy and nice. Just like those I had at Astons Express. I love them! And the pasta salad was fresh and the pasta was cooked just right. The prime ribeye was cooked to the right medium-rare and the meat was tender, chewy and juicy. I cleared the entire plate (which was relatively huge) on my own!

      If you're craving for good and reasonably priced steak in town, why not go to The Cathay for Astons Specialties?
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of Rating: 4 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. ladyironchef
        ladyironchef said:
        omg, aston invaded cathay alr? haha
        06 Jul 2008 at 2:36 pm
      2. chin
        chin said:
        happy to know they open one in town as I dont have to go all the way to katong to have their steaks
        07 Jul 2008 at 4:59 pm
      3. His Food Blog
        His Food Blog said:
        I have been there 3 times since it opened... love this new outlet!
        26 Aug 2008 at 3:34 pm
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      25. Threadless Tees   
         01 Jul 2008 at 12:06 pm
      I heart threadless!! I'm now a fan!

      After hearing so much about threadless, I've been wanting to get my hands on one! But was relunctant at first as I wasn't sure of the sizes I should get. But when I heard about the sale that was on a month ago, I quickly placed my order to test the sizes out!

      As I only know about the sales on the very last day, in the very last few hours, I had to rush my purchase. Quickly went through the Size chart and took out my favorite tshirt to measure the sizes. By the time I was done, many of the designs I wanted were already sold out!!

      Managed to place my order for 2 of the designs and paid for the express delivery service. In less than 2 weeks, I got my threadless in my mailbox!

      I wore them both already and I'm loving it! The material is soft but not sloppish-type. Great for the humid weather here in Singapore!

      If you've not tried threadless tee, you better do so soon!

      I'm loving it!
      Search Keyword: 3  + keyword
      Rating given:Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of Rating: 5 out of
      Comments on this review:
      1. smudger
        smudger said:
        glad u're lovin those tees!! welcome to the threadless fan's club!! (:
        01 Jul 2008 at 5:30 pm
      2. vtay
        vtay said:
        yea welcome!!! ^^ hehe.
        16 Jul 2008 at 7:29 pm
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