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1 Harbourfront Walk #B2-34
Postal code: Show postal code
Telephone: 62784434
Food and Beverages » Coffee & Tea, Bakeries
Restaurants » Chinese (Traditional), Deli & Cafe
Photos of BreadTalk & Toast Box (VivoCity) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of BreadTalk & Toast Box (VivoCity) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of BreadTalk & Toast Box (VivoCity) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of BreadTalk & Toast Box (VivoCity) - Food & BeveragesPhotos of BreadTalk & Toast Box (VivoCity) - Food & Beverages

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    » 10 Reviews for “BreadTalk & Toast Box (VivoCity) ” - Food & Beverages

  1. PuNiaoPuNiao
     07 Mar 2008 at 11:49 pm
       BreadTalk & Toast Box (VivoCity) - Food & Beverages

    have anyone ever tried buying pastry from bread talk (just beside toast box) at roughly 8:30am in the morning? you'll be surprised at how grouchy the cashier is, even though it might be different cashiers every day. as i worked mostly morning shift, i would go to bread talk to buy their raisin braid whenever on my way to work. first time, i tried a simple greeting of good morning and some P's and Q's, but all i got is this very sad, grouchy expression, like as if the cashiers wished they were still in bed, not working. despite being a regular morning customer at bread talk for quite a couple of months, i still get the sad, grouchy treatment. at least the good part is that there are always almost no queue in the morning, so i can't complained much either...

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    Rating given:3 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      U mean the staff at vivovity or breaktalk in general? I bought bread from them (vivocity) early in the morning before. Seems ok for me. Hmm....
      09 Mar 2008 at 12:29 am
    2. eastcoastlife
      eastcoastlife said:
      I'll spend my money else where if seven early eight early meet such people!
      12 Mar 2008 at 11:35 pm
    3. PuNiaoPuNiao
      PuNiaoPuNiao said:
      Polarbear: if you're a guy, of course you'll get a few smiles lar. it;s the same "practice" everywhere, vice vera if the cashier is a guy, i'll definitely get a smile from him...
      18 Mar 2008 at 9:32 pm
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  2. toastbox lover
     29 Jan 2008 at 3:15 pm

    Cashier sucks coz taking their own sweet time n dun even care that's long queue.And even can let anyone cut queue even though there's customer waiting behind.No wonder there's always long queue @ toastbox.

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    Rating given:2 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. claud
      claud said:
      Wow! U're a toastbox lover and yet ur 1st review is a negative one! hmmm
      29 Jan 2008 at 4:04 pm
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  3. Polarbear
     29 Nov 2007 at 1:56 pm

    I am a big fan of toastbox's soft bun. Haa... Vivocity outlet is one of the outlets that I usually would go to. Its location is good, once step out of the underpass, it can been seen. Therefore explains the large crowd as well.

    The price is generally lower than other places.

    I usually will go for the softbun set. They would toast the soft bun unitl it is crispy outside and inside is soft. Together with their kaya, and thick slices of butter. The combination of these 3 things make their soft bun simply heavenly!

    The eggs came intact, so you have to break the eggs on your own. It is kind of fun to do it as well.

    The tea that I usually have comes thick with full of tea and milk flavour.

    They also sell other food like nasi lemak, mee siam, cup cakes etc. They also got a lot of different toast, kaya toast or thick toasts as well.

    The service of the crew is fast and they also clean up fast as well.

    The place always serves a good snack place if I happen to walk pass one.

    Tags: 3  add tags
    Rating given:5 stars
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    Comments on this review:
    1. nawhos
      nawhos said:
      Thanks for sharing. I love eating bread. SOunds like this is a place that I must not give it a miss.
      29 Nov 2007 at 2:34 pm
    2. Polarbear
      Polarbear said:
      Haa.. Go and give it a try. Think you will love it as well.
      29 Nov 2007 at 2:43 pm
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