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Shopping (Online) » Jewelry & Accessories, Fashion (For Her) , Fashion (For Him) , Hand Bags , Flowers & Gifts
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The bottom line when it comes to walking that tightrope between well-dressed and “metrosexual” is that it boils down to mediating one's image to be approachable yet impactful. This can be done without appealing to the radical form posited by over-enthusiasts that are commonly found within the halls of pop fashion magazines.
Pants should fit with a degree of slack to ensure their versatility and comfort. Pants that are too tight are not nearly formal enough to be worn to a ball or a job interview, let alone to a common meeting. Pants that are fitted and professional looking are much more impressive to the opposite *** as well as to business affiliates and co-workers.
Jackets that are so tight as to to be uncomfortable will rarely provide the type of protection against the elements that is the primary reason for buying such a garment in the first place. Also, wearing a leather jacket that snugly will cause the lower half of your wardrobe to look very baggy in comparison, unless you are of extremely slim stature wearing slim fitted pants.
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Let me extremely honest here- I do not like the layout of this particular blog shop. I mean, the pictures of the items are so tiny. Sure, you can click them to make them larger but some items, even when enlarged (I noticed this especially with the "Bags" section) , still turned out to be small. I could see the items, yes, but a detailed view? Not really. The only exception is the handphone accesories section. Also, I think some of you readers might vehemently oppose, but the items sold are not very nice. I know, I know, personal taste, but in my opinion, they are not as trendy as other items out there. But I do like the pretty gift pouches sold there. One good poin, though, is that the owner/person whom I asked questions to was really friendly, and that is really important.
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Happydays-shop just want to make your day by presenting to you the sweetest, cutest, nicestand best-quality products---and thus the name "Happy Days"
Dont you ever come across times whereby u feel that your day is brightened up after getting something you like and something that's so worth it? Yes! That's the feeling we want to give you!!
We have a wide variety of dolling-up essentials such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, hair accessories, handphone accessories, bags and more to come... All items are 100% brand new and imported from taiwan, korea and japan. Please re-visit our site frequently to check out new items!
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