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11 Reviews for “Lido Cineplex ” - Arts & Entertainment
i was there last week to watch speed racer..
the cinema i watched it in was lido 2.. which is upstairs..
it is sure time for lido to do something about the seats. they were one of the most uncomfortable things to sit on.. and the ones we sat upon were spoilt. so we had to change seats.
and the drink holder was also badly designed..
Polarbear said:
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15 May 2008 at 9:25 am
yup true the Lido Cineplaex needs to be upgraded the place is quite crampy and now tickets sell at higher prices its kinda a bad quality cinema to go to ... yup actually Chathay pictures are old to to bad Cathay pictures didn't exsited in singapore anymore thats why you can see the museum of cathay pictures in cathay building ... really Lido needs yo be upgraded or clean it up in some sense to make people to come to watch and enjoy movies....!!!!!
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Lido is one of them old' school theaters. They serve up traditional popcorn and coke, the walls are lined up with posters from the 60's and 70's kind of movies, and the last time i went there, there was even a kacang-puteh cart !
If nostalgia is what you're looking for, Lido seems to be overflowing with it. The oldies would appreciate Lido cineplex better then the younger generation. Simply because, Lido has been around for ages !! It's screened some of the best of the last centuries' movies !
As i understand, the Shaw management are trying hard to re-vamp the image of Lido, without creating a dent on the cineplex's old school image.
With Starbucks, KFC,MacDonald's and Subway alongside the theatres, Lido goer's aren't exactly without a variety of food choices.
Though i must say, the theaters in Lido aren't the cleanest or the most comfortable in recent years, i must recommend movie-goers to try it again.
Lido Cineplex has just undergone a refurbishments of it's cinema's seats. It feels...a lil' more comfy then it was.
And also, the best thing about watching a movie at Lido ? I could always bring in my Starbucks Latte into the theater. They're absolutely ok with it too ! :)
Try it. Give it a chance. After all, its stood the test of time. Let it stand still in our hearts as one of Singapore's grand theater.
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